• 19 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 17th, 2023


  • @Riven Probably phones without headphone jacks are those that can no longer be used as regular FM radios - as the antenna was actually the headset (at least that’s my experience) - and another reason why phones without the jack suck. Never had a phone with a built-in FM antenna FWIW.

    But yea, I do get your point. Phones could do so much more than accessing Facebook, Instagram and posting photos there or something like that.

  • @shortwavesurfer There’s no way you compare something as mundane as this to mass murder. And be sure that every country’s government has all the means necessary to prosecute you for stuff like this, sooner or later.

    Anyway, for me there are some useful such apps that I use:

    • One is for my city’s public transit - really useful, it even displays the vehicle position in real time so you can make up your mind on your route.
    • One is for train tickets (you can also do related stuff as well, like check if your train is late).
    • One is to check if there are any breakdowns in the heat distribution system to see if I won’t have heat overnight.

    I’m sure as hell there are some others, but I did not need them so far. If the government was to spy on me, it could install some malware or some sort without resorting to the Play Store.