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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 17th, 2024


  • I appreciate how the middle and upper classes who feign ignorance over their oppression always fall back on fake pretense of respectability and civility and genteelness as though their oppression didn’t stem from violence, even if they only watch it or support it through their efforts. If a homeless person who has nothing to eat steals an apple, and the police paid with your labor come to drag him away, would you do anything to stop it? Of course not. Your labor that signs off on the power structure and indifference to the class structure is a form of violence, and trying to end things by falling back on the disguise of respectability is a well known technique.

    I appreciate your trying to end this by saying “I am just a nice and respectful person, trying to end this in a civilized way,” the final refuge of oppressors: we are just civilized and they aren’t, as though your violence at a distance towards the poor somehow exculpates you and your genteelness protects you from impurity.

    If you do not realize that extraordinary cruelty and evil is being done to homeless people, and if you don’t realize this stems from the upper classes creating oppressive structures due to disdain for the freedom of the poor, then you are either stupid or vicious and avaricious and seduced by convenience and you clearly aren’t stupid. None of this matters in the end, the stupidity of the non-scientific class and myopia and selfishness of the upper classes has doomed us all and global warming is coming for us. It’s like skiing and seeing an avalanche and it’s too wide to ski to the side and you can only ski downhill in futility. There’s no outrunning global warming. Imagine India and Pakistan in 20 years in the future in the hottest regions at the hottest times. The displacements will be enormous, there’s only so much water in certain areas. How will everyone react then?

    I’m not offended by you specifically. You and your kind that feign ignorance of class oppression are a part of nature, you have no control over your mendacious ploys just like snakes wandering into a garden don’t really ask to be that way. However, the lower classes are becoming much more educated and as the environment becomes more undeniably destroyed by the upper classes, it will be interesting to see the emotional response of a more educated Internet-empowered lower class as their environment disintegrates before them. The ultra rich have underground bunkers to try to wait this period out for a few generations. It’s the smart thing to do, but likely won’t matter. My calculations and assessments of this situation could also be completely wrong if I am analyzing the data incorrectly, but I’m almost certain I am right. The data and mathematical trends are ugly and not negotiable. Most of the scientists who don’t believe in global warming likely have views rooted in religious delusion.

    There is no civility to your kind and I don’t accept your facade of respectability or agree to end our interaction with some sort of agree to disagree pseudo-civility. I still hope you suffer for being among the group that feigns ignorance of the cruelty inflicted by the upper classes. I am not a hippy striving for love at all times. I hope you suffer and I hope it hurts like paper cuts are covering your entire body.

  • There needs to be a way to have an inclusive corporate culture that celebrates cultures and backgrounds but also allows brutal honesty about products without people being afraid of accidentally offending others or being too indifferent to the corporation’s success to speak up.

    A lot of it probably relates to how often people are fired and how short tenures are with companies. If you have a short tenure with a company or are expecting to, does it matter if Company A does well instead of Company B or Company C? It probably doesn’t, and with social media capturing one wrong offensive faux paus for eternity (by which I mean until the planet becomes uninhabitable 300 years from now), workers have every incentive to let disasters like this go to market.

    I am judging Microsoft employees but likely would have said nothing if I were there too. With all the layoffs in tech, why risk it to say something controversial? Even my initial post on this got down-voted into the depths of an abyss just for mentioning that men and women see pornography in different ways sometimes, which should hardly be controversial. I don’t know whether the votes were from men or women, but actually I imagine more women than men down-voted it, and even this guess will probably lead to additional down-votes.

    I dislike people like Elon Musk for his cruelty towards transgender people (despite his admirable intelligence), and I dislike Donald Trump for his cruelty towards those who are different in any way, but I also feel like people should be able to have discussions about actual uncomfortable subjects without it being automatically offensive. The fact I was so heavily down-voted immediately tends to illustrate my point.

  • The point of the first two sentences is that because there is a large gender divide on whether porn is acceptable, a lot of times men and women don’t discuss porn because the subject will lead to conflict. This isn’t true of all members of both genders. Since corporations often have a mix of genders, bringing up the topic of porn and how a feature could alienate porn viewers would be an uncomfortable topic that would be easier to avoid because men and women find the topic uncomfortable often for different reasons. In Microsoft’s case, it seems like no one at Microsoft brought up how male porn watchers might not like AI watching their pornhub history and recording it to a file, despite it seeming like it would be an obvious concern to any male at Microsoft who watches porn, and likely many do. These means their corporate culture is so selfish on their own career protection and focused on not offending others that they let a really bad feature that many hate go to market instead of talking openly how this would be a disaster out of fear that it could cause workplace conflict.

    So instead of saving millions of dollars in costs and damage to the brand, everyone at Microsoft aware of this problem just said nothing. That’s a terrible corporate culture. If a product isn’t going to work, even uncomfortable discussions should be had if it saves millions.

    My point overall was that it’s shocking this made it into the product. It’s such a bad idea for a feature on multiple levels, that it seems like employees did not openly talk about this.

    My other point was that if Microsoft employees didn’t drop the ball, then this feature may have been forced into the project by a government order of some kind, which can and does happen in closed source software. Although hidden backdoors are often secret, the government could equally compel a large unlocked window at the front be added as well.