Giver of skulls

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Joined 101 years ago
Cake day: June 6th, 1923


    1. The people running the servers. Check your local instance details to see who runs the server. And yes, they can shut down at any time, so consider donating to help with the server costs if you’re a heavy user.

    2. Lemmy: not really. Fediverse: kinda, yeah. Threads is the biggest, followed probably by WordPress and Flipboard. Tumblr is also working on joining the Fediverse. None of those companies will likely ever work with Lemmy/Kbin, though. There are also a few small companies that you can pay to set up a Mastodon server for you.

  • Widgets are interactive elements that access system APIs to do things like show memory usage, list open programs, send kill signals, script the window manager to hide or move windows, and a lot more.

    You could theoretically sandbox widgets, but I’m not sure how easy that is. I suppose you could wrap KDE itself into a Flatpak sandbox so it can only see the system files it absolutely needs, but all “sandbox every part of the UI” attempts I know of have died because compatibilities made the unusable.

  • There’s probably a simple explanation for this. My guess is that during testing, people left the setting on and spammed hundreds of people over a period of months without even realising what was going on.

    It’s designed to take over when you’re out of office (and not using Outlook anyway). When you get back from your holiday or whatever, you probably want to turn off the auto reply if you use it the way it was designed. I guess they could’ve only shown the banner after Outlook restarts, but then you have to deal with those people that refuse to reboot their laptop for years on end.

  • I’m surprised the major Lemmy servers even permit piracy related content in the first place. Half the Fediverse seems to be hosted in Germany, probably one of the worst countries to host piracy related content.

    The .world team should definitely make a statement before banning stuff just to avoid this kind of drama, but piracy communities are not worth the moderation hassle and legal risk for a silly side project like Lemmy.

    If I were you, I wouldn’t expect the same privacy protections Reddit provides for their users when copyright owners start sending legal threats. These instances barely collect enough donations to cover server costs, nobody is going to pay an expensive lawyer to protect your IP address if your server gets sued.

  • The whole point is that the block isn’t about this particular user. Any affordable tool that can be used for anonymity, can and will be abused by malicious people. That’s why Tor is blocked on 90% of websites and why VPN users need to jump through extra hoops so often. If your network offers no way to distinguish you from the guy that keeps uploading videos of children getting raped, your network is getting blocked, simple as that.

    For VPN users this is a minor issue, but for people behind CGNAT (which is the standard in many low-income countries these days) that causes huge problems.

  • It was pretty good, but it was hell to troubleshoot.

    I’ve had to set up IMAP on that app a whole bunch of times and if it decides it doesn’t like your server, it’ll grey out all the settings and show an infinite progress bar that does literally nothing, for up to minutes at a time. Settings that worked yesterday may suddenly be broken. The manual refresh button is more of a suggestion than anything else.

    I don’t expect Microsoft’s new “give us your password and we’ll download your email to our cloud, you can trust us” solution to work any better, though. These “apps” make me miss Windows Live Mail and its predecessor, Outlook Express.