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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • why would you be ridiculed and scorned for opening up emotionally?

    Not to sound like a blue-haired liberal, but at least in my neck of the woods, toxic masculinity is to blame. Like, one of my favorite internet folk got bullied off the internet recently for saying he likes girls a little too enthusiastically. Some dudes will absolutely tear you apart if you are a man that exhibits anything other than stoic passivity.

  • Totalitarians try to use cases like this to take your rights away. Never forget how this impacts the innocent. If they can force this man to unlock his phone, they can force any innocent person to do the same. If the police think you’ve committed a crime, accessing your phone will never make them think you’re innocent. The absolute best case scenario is that they don’t find anything useful to their case. The worst case scenario is that they find your social media account where you called arson based last year, and they will use that against you.

  • A chance to post that meme I made!

    “Let me put it to you this way, Tav. You can buy better games than Solasta, but I like Solasta. Yes, it has a linear story, and the voice acting is rather stiff, and you can’t multiclass, but–it’s brilliant!”

    I don’t actually know that I would say BG3’s story is undeniably better. It’s more polished, sure, and it’s more open-ended, but that doesn’t necessarily make it better. Granted I’m not done with it yet so I can’t say for sure, but I really like Solasta’s story, especially the second campaign.

    I think there’s also something to be said about having four fully voiced player-made protagonists instead of one silent protagonist and a ton of NPC companions. There are scenes made up entirely of your party talking to each other. Which like, yeah, BG3 has that too, but Astarion and Shadowheart aren’t mine. Nora and Crag were. The writing isn’t as tight, the voice acting is relatively amateurish, but I like it.