He / They

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • The only way that anyone in government is trying to solve this is via more money to corporations. Pay them to switch to X. Buy Y from them to replace Z.

    Carbon credits are a con. Solar and wind are great, but they don’t actually solve emissions on their own; you have to mandate the closure of the non-green energy sources too. And lots of emission sources are not even being targeted at all.

    On the upside, my Mini is gonna look awesome with armor plating, out on the dunes that used to be oceans. Shiny, and chrome!

  • That entire motto is a distraction, so that corporations can whinge about consumers not doing “their part”.

    And don’t forget, corporations are also encouraging people not to reduce purchases, and designing their products such that reusing is either impossible (good luck reusing a torn potato chip bag), infeasible, or even dangerous.

    Recycle is just the final, catch-all lie at the end. It only works for very specific types of plastics, and even then usually can only be done an astonishingly few number of times.

    As the article notes,

    the recycling push has encouraged consumers to accept wasteful packaging, particularly plastics, when forcing the use of more biodegradable material would have been a less damaging course of action.

  • Capitalism is not something we can find a safe and equitable balance with, because its entire premise is that economy is a zero-sum race to extract maximal profit.

    Competitors are assumed to simply balance out over time, but that never happens, and just like the book discusses about governments being slow or unwilling to stop companies doing harm to people and places and animals, they’re equally slow to stop big companies doing harm to other companies.

    Either we collectively decide that systems of authority that protect the hierarchies of corporations and wealth over human, natural, and animal rights are unsustainable and detrimental to human society, or we’re all gonna be killed by someone’s profit-seeking scheme (whether it’s climate change, nuclear weapons, pesticides killing off pollinators, antibiotic-resistant superbugs, or maybe even something that isn’t already threatening everything).