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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I just recently learned about liquid calories and why are they dangerous when you care about weight.

    For those who are not aware. A liquid will be processed very quickly by our body. For example you get your favorite soda that has 150 calories your drink it, and your body processes it quickly, you urinate it but the 150 calories stay with you and you feel hungry again really soon so you eat another meal to fill your stomach.

  • Yeah, it is not easy.

    We seem to have primarily high calorie foods. The reason people change diets to get some low calorie ones that keep them feeling full.

    Another thing, but perhaps not as much related to losing weight is that food doesn’t exactly work like most people think i.e. it isn’t that we consume something then we get energy from it and then we excrement it. In reality our body absorbes the food and uses it for other functions. So unhealthy food still affects us negatively.

  • Yes, thanks for pointing it out. As long as it is some organization that can’t be bought it should be fine. I didn’t included that because it makes my response more confusing.

    Essentially CLA gives the entire copyright to specific entity and that entity in case of FSF it likely could use it for fighting violations, while some startup likely intends to change license when their product gets more popular to cash out on it (for example what Hashicorp did recently before selling to IBM)