Those are the features I’m most interested in. Do you have a tutorial / resource you can recommend?
The man pages are, as with most Linux, technically sufficient. Just very hard to digest if I don’t have four hours of interrupted time.
Those are the features I’m most interested in. Do you have a tutorial / resource you can recommend?
The man pages are, as with most Linux, technically sufficient. Just very hard to digest if I don’t have four hours of interrupted time.
Can you elaborate? Are there a lot of security holes in systemd? (Genuine question)
Did the (anti)protagonist shape shift that much in Phlebas? And even then would it have been a problem for the series? Money no object after all…
I hated it for being a clip show.
Did that pop up actually exist? With mention of Trump?
It’s not necessarily an easy problem to solve. I think the woman should have given him a chance and generally everyone should avoid reacting so strongly to “dealbreakers” on a first date.
That being said, Anon can also consider not bringing up anime and video games right off the bat. It doesn’t mean you can never share this. It may be just fine given more context (you are moderate about it, still open to other things, etc.). We all make snap judgments that we regret later. It’s ok for you to help your dates avoid these (barring serious things like hiding if you have a kid).
Was going to say why doesn’t he stay home, but now there’s the benefit of him accompanying his wife in the less secure areas between mall and car.
How does this work? I tried to cd with … in bash and it doesn’t seem to work. And what would be the point of the single dots in there?
Is there an equivalent to TwoXChromo here?