For me, it’s disappearing. That someday something will happen to me and no one will ever know what it was and where I am. That I will become one of those mysteries you see online and on TV shows. Whenever I think about it I feel nothing but dread.

    6 hours ago

    Grey aliens. Yep, I know they’re almost certainly not real. They freak me the frack out. It’s undoubtedly all the UFO stuff I read as a kid about abductions and such. A very petite friend once threatened to dress up as one in a realistic costume to scare me in the night. I begged her not to for her personal safety: I’m certain I would not react in a safe or rational way.

    Being alone at night creeps me out because of this. Driving alone in a remote, low population locale? Horrifying.

    Nevertheless, I still read up on stories and other media about the paranormal. Why am I like this? No idea.

    It hasn’t ruined my life or anything. I’ve spent time alone far away from people, when I had to. I can go places at night. It’s just something that creeps into my mind sometimes. I function as a grown ass man, but I still get the creeps about it when I’m alone. I don’t know that I’ll ever completely shake it.

      30 minutes ago

      Statistical chances of being killed by grey aliens based on current statistics: 0%.

      Statistical chance of colorectal cancer: 4%

      6 hours ago

      Almost certainly not real… :)

      I think there is an extreamly high probability they are real, considering it’s been millions of eye witness reports by now.

      I guess it’s easier to assume every single one of those are just wrong. But if even one of them is right, we have visitors.

      I don’t even understand why people find it so difficult to believe. I keep hearing “yeah they can’t travel here because distance”, as if humans somehow has all the knowledge about space travel despite hardly even understanding how to get to the moon. :)

      Actually we even forgot how to get to the moon. That’s how much we care about space travel. Yet we are experts at it, somehow. :)

      It’s dumb, which is why I assume it has to do with psychological safety mechanisms and that’s why people can’t think rationally about this.

        5 hours ago

        I read somewhere that so much of the Saturn V development wasn’t documented properly, or the documentation has been lost, that it’s hard to easily build that system anymore. In that sense, I guess, we’ve forgotten how to do it. Obviously, the math and physics are still understood, so it should be as simple as designing a rocket of equal or greater capacity, and it appears we have.

        Apparently, the Artemis I mission already put an unmanned mission with the Orion spacecraft through to orbit the moon and return safely to the Earth. They’re planning a crewed flyby in 2025 and Artemis III is projected to land sometime later this decade.

        It’s a crime I didn’t know that before looking things up about the Saturn V.