Hiding in plain site in a planter box at the mall
Vegan beef jerky…
I literally do not understand a single thing about this. What is meme?
Have you ever been to /r/ForbiddenFood? This is basically content for that sub. Pictures of delicious looking not food items. Like this planter jerky.
Ok thank you, that must have been the context i was missing. Where i live, jerky looks absolutely nothing like this at all. I couldnt understand why people where talking about jerky, i thought i was just missing something in the photo.
We have so many kinds of jerky here this looks more like the mass produced stuff you can get at a liquor store in the packaged section, but they also sell the ones you pick yourself in the case or fancier stuff at a farmers market or farm stand
Lol! Forbidden jer…the mall?!
yeah they have a post office and I had to drop off a package, then my wife got interested so we took a lap around to check what it looks like now in the year 2024
If that’s what the beef jerky you eat looks like I feel sorry for your mother.