there’s more than shown here and it’s more than just these users too 😭
if you find the thread don’t piss in the popcorn (brigade) but also please maybe don’t bring it back here i don’t want 400 notifications of entry level “is almond milk milk” vegan discourse
Ah yeah, I’ve had an interaction with that anti-vegan user before, and let me tell ya, if you want to speedrun vegan bingo… ideal discussion partner right there.
The happy animals one is hilarious. I would have no problem with someone eating me after I died and I sure as shit am not happy
Ah yes. That one is the one where every interlocutor happens to only eat meat “from their uncles farm with 3 cows on 40 acres of pasture, where they’re hand-scrubbed by cherubs while eating figs.”
Aw man I fucked that up. My uncle has 40 cows on 3 acres that get hand scrubbed by figs while eating cherubs.
and the cows only die of old age and untreatable disease…
I don’t care about my corpse after I’m dead, but I do somewhat disagree with getting killed.
But would you want to … get … Milked?
You wouldn’t drink Valmond milk?
Best milk ever, from a non suffering animal who enjoy consensually sharing it too.
Yes please
Either way, it would be really hard to voice my opinion
I donate my corpse to necrophiliacs after I die. Go nuts you guys. Just be sure to see if the cannibals want a slice before you throw the used Me-light in the trash
The “Vegans are loud and annoying” crowd are more loud and annoying than actual vegans in my personal experience.
Often when society had an extreme default position on a topic, its defenders sound batshit insane.
So true. I’m not vegan, but someone proudly yelling about how much meat they eat is so fucking cringe. Very “suck it, libs” mindset.
But you probably won’t get called a murderer 20 seconds into the discussion though.
You’d be surprised. Both “The farming of your plants kills more animals than livestock raising” and “veganism is genocide because they’ll stop breeding the animals if we stop eating them” unironocally come up almost instantly when I talk about it and I’m not even quite vegan, I just avoid animal products because of allergies to a lot of them…
35 points for Ravenclaw for the provision of the vegan bingo.
That link is a really cool resource, thanks!
It took me a whole 24 hours to realise that the person having a weird, inconsistent, fact-swerving argument with me (about my assertion that most male cattle are killed young for meat) was the original one from the screenshot!
My last time talking to them, they were arguing that the use of the word “exploitation” in the vegan society’s definition of veganism simply meant “use” because that’s a thesaurus entry for exploitation. When their argument breaks down they go full on “words are just invented”.
I found the comment chain. Nuts. They always pick and the weirdest stuff to argue over.
I’m not even sure if that bingo is supposed to be pro-vegan or anti-vegan …
When I was a young vegling, I spent some time doing “outreach” on r/DebateAVegan (air quotes because it often felt about as impactful as having a wank), and you’d see those bingo arguments being used earnestly ALL THE TIME.
I actually did occasionally get some fairly novel and thought provoking stuff, from time to time, but mostly it was explaining the basics of biology or econ to people like in OP’s example.
My main problem is when people are aggressively trying to make me feel guilty about just living.
Just curious, does a community like that exist here on lemmy? I do have some questions that aren’t answered by the vegan bingo and would love to ask someone, but going straight to ! feels kinda intrusive
! specifically disallows debate style posts. Your best bet is probably either ! or !
I’ll say as someone who mods ! that we’re really not a debate community either. It’s not like it’s disallowed per se (especially within the context of “would two vegans be likely to agree about this?”), but I talk about some of the philosophy behind Rule 5 here and why it’s therefore discouraged.
Yeah, thank you for the clarification. Re-reading my comment, I realise I didn’t do a very good job of expressing this, as I didn’t mean to imply V@LW was a community for debate. Just that a polite question might be fine there, so long as it comes from a genuine desire to learn, instead of trying to make an opening to disagree.
TIL there’s a bingo TLD.
politely raises hand
While I think factory farming is abhorrent, I find the most compelling reasons to eat plant-based to be the environmental ones. Therefore, I think “I only eat a little bit of meat” is actually a huge positive step someone can take. If your primary concern regarding meat is the cruelty of taking the life of another animal, that’s completely valid, but compared to the others, that square just feels out of place.
depends on the context, on the bingo, i interpret it as “i don’t want to go vegan, i only eat a little meat anyways”