I made a rentry page a week ago, but I want to know
20 years in the future
The implied claim that historical accounts are unbiased seems tenuous.
Just read whatever you find anywhere and leave out the opinionated bits.
In other words, you can safely assume the hows, whens, wheres and to a certain extent the whys are accurate and not made up, and anything else - particularly whether he was right or wrong, the bits about whether his victim was right or wrong, whether the cops are lying, whether the McD employee is evil, whether Mangione should be freed or fried… is all a bunch of ultra-biased hogwash, regardless of the bias.
Taking the police and reporting organizations at their word that they are giving factual information about the who, what, when, where, and why is also a bias.
All sources have biases. Just find out what each sources’ biases are, and you should be okay.
what’s a rentry page
Why not take in many sources and then average out what you hear?
Hahaha so naive
How so?
The wisdom of the crowds is eerily accurate when there are lots of independent samples. Keyword, independent. As soon as each of the samples are aware of each other, or, the number of independent samples proves to not actually be that high, it falls apart pretty quickly.
Weirdly enough, VSauce just put out a short on this a couple of days ago.
not weirdly enough - I saw the exact same video yesterday, assumed it had been in circulation for a while, and decided to steal his knowledge as my own and presented here like I’m a stats expert
Two independent sources have corroborated the same information. Thus it is factual.
I’m not sure I get your comment… I learned that crossing different official and reliable sources was the best way to get most of any information bit. Taking the overlapping information as the most reliable one.
Care to simplify what you’re meaning, so even stupid me can understand?
Thank you !
news outlets doing their own reporting is a good thing, news outlets waiting to see what others report, or reporting news from a other outlet is a bad thing.
sometimes getting lots of different sources doesn’t amount to much if they all come from the same source, or are reporting deliberately in-favour/contrarian to another news source
Thanks :) got it !
What if certain sources from other languages were followed?
Read their username
You hear 2 biased self serving lies, the truth is unrelated to both lies. Thinking about averaging is a very one dimensional thinking.
Maybe the difference is most people don’t do just two.
Yep that’s a good start, and cherry picking your sources to get crumbs of information too.
RT is super unreliable but they consistently share facts that western media omits. Al Jazeera also have great nuggets of info.
What you call reliable is in the eye of the beholder though. Biasing thoughts by omission happens very often and is very effective. The way to check it out is in whatever field you’re a specialist, check how many factually correct but misleading articles are.
Also an example: Unemployment is high: one group says immigration is high. Other says economy is slow. What’s the average? Or inflation is high, and the solution is austerity. Then they claim wages have to be kept low, although it’s shown that wages effect is shortening profits, not hurting economy. What’s the average?
While the truth is that governments were printing money like crazy during COVID , and people in fragile circumstances have to suffer increased unemployment, lower wages and inflation, while capitalists have profits higher than ever.
But you’ll never find admission of guilt by unresponsible money printing on the media. So there’s no average in the right direction here.
The revolution won’t be televised
As others have said, you can’t. Take a walk through any history museum and you’ll remember it’s events like this that spark change, and the US is on the precipise, with class as the determining factor.
The only people who don’t have a bias are those that are ignorant of him, because everyone in the country is impacted. And since they are ignorant, they won’t have any news for you to read.
What kind of information do you want to know about him? What do you find biased about whatever you’ve been reading? It’s not very clear how to answer this question.
Do you want my biased opinion or unbiased opinion on where to get unbiased information?
I go to all sides to get the majority of my ‘headlines’