To celebrate the release of the Pixelfed Mobile app going live on the Apple App Store & Google Play Store, we’re proud to be launching our first Kickstarter campaign. All funds raised will go toward continued development and support of the core Pixelfed Foundation applications and the ActivityPub ecosystem at large.

The Pixelfed Team builds open source and ethical social networks for the masses. We aim to be the first Fediverse app with a billion people by taking on the worlds biggest players using open source standards. Designed and built for a better society, to bring us closer together without tracking or surveillance.

Edit: They met their funding goal!!! 🎉

    2 months ago

    I don’t blame him one single bit though, he is a single dev working on all these awesome projects and I just wish he’d be a little more realistic with how many projects he can actually keep up in the air.

    yeah, and instead of doing that he makes sure to remain the single dev and paints himself as the second coming of Steve Jobs.