What is that one video game cheat code you’ll never forget about?
I’ll start us off with the classic “Explode All Cars” cheat from the classic 2004 game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, as that is one that I remember using a lot for no rhyme or reason:
I always preferred idfa, so you’ll actually still get to play the whole level looking for the keys.
DOOM: IDDQD - god mode, IDKFA - all weapons / items
SimCopter - I’M THE CEO OF MCDONNELL DOUGLAS unlocks all helicopters
Superpower multiply
“up up down down left right left right B A B Start”
Contra - NES
Actually it works in a whole bunch of Konami games, and of course some modern games have thrown it in as an homage.
Isn’t it just ↑↑↓↓←→←→BA<start>? No second B?
Rosebud for money in the Sims
Don’t forget all the :;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;
didn’t play much og sims, but sims2 (and later, iirc), motherlode gives more.
i also had a few custom items i could drop in to a house, too.
They also had “kaching” or something similar instead of rosebud in Sims 2 I think. But it was only 1k or 5k unsure. Motherlode was much more ye
Or motherlode
Also “move objects on”
Just gonna delete these bills here… Hey why not the whole mailbox?
I also once had a sim make enough garden gnomes to fill every single tile of the street… Then he kicked one. 😂
Konami code, natch
Up, down, left, right, A & start at the same time. I still sing the jingle when sonic 1 starts
That’s the one I remember (but as “all three buttons and start”) but I have no clue what it actually did.
Technically it’s: hold A, then press start
IDKFA, and many others
IDSPISPOPD … and I even remember what it abbreviates… why?
Smashing Pumpkins Into Small Pieces Of Putrid Debris
Idk why it has also stuck with me, it’s a really cool cheatcode
Something to do with getting the chainsaw ifi. Recall correctly but it never worked for me, or on whatever version of the wad I had.
This is the one I use to prove my old nerd cred, lol
xaxbcc was my password for years when I was in school
I also remember idspispopd or something like that but not sure what it was for haha
It’s the same as idclip (no clipping mode, ie, walk through walls). I think it’s the original version and idclip was introduced into later games or something like that. It’s been a while!
Ah yes that does sound familiar! And it’s sure been a while… feel old now haha.
WhosYourDaddy - invincible units, buildings, and one shot the enemy
GreedIsGood X - gives X gold and lumber
HESOYAM - cash, hp, vehicle repair (on top of my head)
AEZAKMI - locks wanted level
UZUMYMW - a pack of weapon, IIRC no. 3 of 3
BAGUVIX - unlimited health
FULLCLIP - unlimited ammo
For GTA SA I remember chittychittybangbang to make your car fly.
genie jafar aladdin abu
Fuck that lava level.
The SNES or mega drive version?
How do you turn this on (Age of)
Fly and ghost (Unreal 1 : to observe every minute details of the map))
Up, Down, Left, Right, A, Start - Sonic The Hedgehog.
howdoyouturnthison - Age Of Empires 2.
How do you turn this thing on