I guess I’m officially old now
Naproxen, otc in Ontario…instant relief for gout
Thanks for the tip but naproxen never works for me, even if I take double the recommended dose. Tylenol and aspirin also don’t work. The only thing that works for me and both my kids is ibuprofen.
But a road trip to Ontario sounds like a good time.
I’m not convinced Tylenol/acetaminophen is medicine. In my experience, Diet Pepsi is a more effective treatment for a headache. Though that might just be my terminal caffeine addiction talking.
Last Christmas I had Jingles and trout.
Take me to the river.
I had the mildest case of shingles a couple of months after I got my shingles vaccine finished.
Someone else I know had a bad case of shingles, they said they wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
If you’ve had chicken pox, definitely go get the shingles vaccine. If you’re “of a certain age,” you probably didn’t get the chicken pox vaccine when you were younger, because it wasn’t introduced in the US for widespread use until 1995. If you did get the chicken pox vaccine, and haven’t had chicken pox, you still have a risk of developing shingles later on, although that risk is greatly reduced.
If you’ve had chicken pox, definitely go get the shingles vaccine.
They won’t let you get it until you’re 50 yo. I’ve had multiple friends under 50 get it and be wrecked by it.
Sorry, sentence structure…were your friends under 50 wrecked by shingles, or the shingles vaccine?
Wrecked by Shingles. I’d love to get the vaccine right now to avoid what they went through.
Just gotta make it 4 more years (damn).