Finally got some overtime, a whole 32 hours. On my way home my car started overheating for no reason… Well there’s probably a reason but I don’t know it. There’s coolant in there so idk
I had this phase of my life as well. Some sweat and wrenching on things yourself can pay off big sometimes. And now with YouTube a lot of the time you can learn exactly what you need. Might be hard though if you’re working that much overtime
Felt that so hard
Finally got some overtime, a whole 32 hours. On my way home my car started overheating for no reason… Well there’s probably a reason but I don’t know it. There’s coolant in there so idk
I had this phase of my life as well. Some sweat and wrenching on things yourself can pay off big sometimes. And now with YouTube a lot of the time you can learn exactly what you need. Might be hard though if you’re working that much overtime