Im becoming unsettled. Maybe a few memes total on first two pages. How could things go so bad? Where are the yester beans gone?
Im becoming unsettled. Maybe a few memes total on first two pages. How could things go so bad? Where are the yester beans gone?
I wish I could, but personally not knowing would be a greater mental load then having to process this run away train of fascism.
We should really stay on top of the news to know when Trump wants us to wear identifying armbands
If you can’t, it can be enough to say that’s enough for today and control how much you take in I found a YouTube channel belle of the fifth column is just enough to keep informed but it’s short and she put context to the news and just keeps it to the facts no click bait.
I’ll not denigrate your choices. I will just say that I’m reading and listening to a lot less, but that’s because I’m reading/listening/watching across the spectrum. Shutting out others’ voices seems to be what got us here.
I haven’t worked up the wherewithal to brave Breitbart, OANN etc yet. One, my mental health is so valuable to me, two, I want to continue to consume thoughtful pieces; but I think it’s critical to keep an eye on these outlets so we can address legitimate grievances and also be a calm, steady, not-shaming tone to offer a more grounded perspective. It will take time, patience, respect to bring USA back to some semblance of sanity and unity. I think we are on the event horizon of do-or-die together, in that regard ) and I mean globally).
I don’t think i understand your comment what does belle have to do with OANN or Breitbart I wouldn’t touch those with a 10 foot pole.
I’m not sure how to be more plain. People are radicalized because legitimate concerns aren’t heard, let alone addressed. Entertaining ideas doesn’t mean automatically accepting all of them. How are we to address legitimate grievances if we refuse to listen for them?