I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask but I need more general recommendations.
I maintain quite a few packages on Nixpkgs, so I use Atom to subscribe to a release feeds for those projects so I can get a form of notification independent of the project’s code forge (mostly meaning I can spend less time on MS GitHub).
Someone asked this a few days ago. Here’s my unfiltered CVS export. Pro-audio, Apple nerdery, geek news, blogs, etc. There are sites in here that have since retired, as pointed out by a user in that thread. I don’t get an error by them not publishing, so I haven’t bothered to remove them.
www.kvraudio.com/index.php?s=top www.macosaudio.com www.404media.co/ leancrew.com/all-this/ www.appleoutsider.com arstechnica.com arstechnica.com bitsplitting.org brettterpstra.com veertu.com/ daringfireball.net/ krebsonsecurity.com marco.org/ onethingwell.org/ sheriffs.substack.com twitterisgoinggreat.com/ veertu.com/ distrowatch.com/ distrowatch.com/ liliputing.com/ www.macstories.net www.servethehome.com/category/networking/ www.cyberciti.biz/atom/ www.servethehome.com/ sixcolors.com www.techdirt.com tidbits.com/ www.servethehome.com/tag/tinyminimicro/ www.wired.com www.afp548.com www.airpair.com www.airpair.com www.airpair.com annoying.technology/ birchtree.me/ blog.codinghorror.com/ command-tab.com ericasadun.com boehs.org arstechnica.com lapcatsoftware.com/FeedbackAssistantBoycott/index.html flickerfusion.com/index.xml www.friendlyatheist.com furbo.org hypercritical.co/feeds/main inessential.com/ www.kooslooijesteijn.net www.kooslooijesteijn.net krypted.com blog.lastinfirstout.net/ learn-networking.com linuxblog.io/ linuxblog.io/ mjtsai.com/blog mrmacintosh.com/ mtlynch.io/ www.multicore.blog nfarina.com/ www.cyberciti.biz/ notes.ghed.in/ pxlnv.com/ planet.centos.org mtlynch.io/posts/ inessential.com/ redsweater.com/blog rentzsch.tumblr.com/ retina.studio morrick.me www.peoplefor.org/ www.schneier.com/ docs.microsoft.com/archive/blogs/msdn/sfu/feed.xml shawnblanc.net tante.cc/ stevenf.com/wiki/ take.surf/feed.atom macromates.com lapcatsoftware.com/articles/index.html eclecticlight.co www.alexlaird.com/ lonesysadmin.net/ robservatory.com shapeof.com/ theunderground.blog/ everythingsysadmin.com/ tyler.io underpassapp.com/news/index.html waxy.org waxy.org/ web3isgoinggreat.com williamlam.com stevenf.com/wiki/ firewallengineer.wordpress.com abnml.com/ www.astralcodexten.com hackerboards.com changelog.com/ davidwalsh.name www.wheresyoured.at/ blog.equinux.com/ telruptive.com news.ycombinator.com/ask news.ycombinator.com/newest hardcoresoftware.learningbyshipping.com howtonode.org macwright.com meh.com crys.site/bsd/ mikeindustries.com/blog www.cyberciti.biz/atom/ www.raywenderlich.com feeds.feedblitz.com/scotch_io sunilkumarn.wordpress.com simonwillison.net/atom/everything taoofmac.com www.tenable.com/ thehungrycoder.com www.theverge.com crys.site/unix-history/ blog.codeship.com codecondo.com webapplog.com www.andrewhay.ca www.cio.com www.computerworld.com www.computerworld.com www.extremetech.com/feed hazenet.dk www.infoworld.com itcblogs.currentanalysis.com itcblogs.currentanalysis.com www.techradar.com/rss www.linuxjournal.com/ www.linuxtoday.com/ www.linux.com lxer.com/ oswalt.dev/ meilleurabonnementiptvavis.wordpress.com mondaynote.com?source=rss----c537d80ed0a---4 netcraftsmen.com www.networkcomputing.com www.networkcomputing.com www.networkworld.com www.networkworld.com www.networkingfiles.com www.phoronix.com/ www.sdxcentral.com www.securitypronews.com techbuddha.wordpress.com www.storagereview.com www.sysadminnews.com www.tecmint.com nucblog.net/ www.unixmen.com/ www.virten.net www.citationneeded.news/ www.dropsitenews.com
Daaaaaamn that’s a long list. Saved!
I mostly use it for news, but a lot of sites have RSS even some that do not advertise it.
Whenever I like a site I usually use rss validator and check if their blog/news page have RSS.
Additionally I check endpoints like /rss and /feed.
Not the most concrete answer, but what you subscribe to is highly personal.
P.S. I also use something like https://ktnrs.com/ for websites providing only email newsletter.
Here’s a good selection: https://programming.dev/post/26356680
Futurism, The Economist, Jacobin , Der Spiegel, 404media, Nature
The Lemmy blog, some websites for news , the one for epic free games
give me a good rss reader, and I’ll give you my list of feeds. I haven’t checked on them in years, since google reader shut down.
EDIT: As promised, my list:
note: these are bookmarks, not rss links, because, you know, google reader doesn’t exist anymore so I can’t just export a thing. Everything on this list had an rss feed back when I bookmarked it. No particular order.
- https://loadingartist.com/
- https://questionablecontent.net/
- https://xkcd.com/
- https://what-if.xkcd.com/
- https://www.blender.org/feed/
- http://loldwell.com/
- http://brawlinthefamily.keenspot.com/
- https://www.awkwardzombie.com/
- https://thegamercat.com/
- https://vgcats.com/
- https://www.spinnyverse.com/
- https://www.exocomics.com/
- https://dresdencodak.com/
- http://metroid2remake.blogspot.com/
- https://www.oglaf.com/ Warning, frequently NSFW.
This list would have been longer, except:
- Shows that I’d use an rss feed to keep track of aren’t on their own websites anymore, just youtube (and sometimes nebula or floatplane, or whatever). You didn’t ask for youtube channels, so they got cut from the list.
- Some of the comics just don’t exist anymore, their sites gone. LoZ Demon Road and Ask Mr Dragmire are notable examples, gone likely for obvious reasons.
- Several NSFW comics that I followed through e621, because google reader could turn their link format into an rss feed, i’m excluding because not actually rss.
- Several minecraft blogs that aren’t relevant anymore (like The Word of Notch or Bukkit News)
Imma be looking at other comments for things to add to my list!)
YT channels
I think you can get rss feeds for them
The channel link has the <channel_id>e.g.
Link for Boy Boy’s Channel https://youtube.com/channel/UC_S45UpAYVuc0fYEcHN9BVQ
Link to rss feed
I use Capy Reader. I really love it!
Feeder on F-droid
i’ll check it out, thanks. Posted my list in the original comment.
KOReader. You can put it on android or your e-reader and when you sync the feeds it converts them to .epub format
i’ll check it out, thanks. Posted my list in the original comment.
I’m using QuiteRSS and like it a lot. Taskbar applet works with i3 too, which is nice.
i’ll check it out, thanks. Posted my list in the original comment.
Thanks, I love the list
NetNewsWire on iOS
i’ve actually moved over to feeeed on ios recently and i’ve really liked it. it has a ton of granular customizations down to even editing the navigation bar itself. would recommend!
Not on iOS, but thanks anyway. Posted my list in the original comment.
If you’re looking for a good app to view them Feedly is great