• Plastic_Ramses@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Yes, that’s accurate.

      Biden definitely hasn’t supported unions, supported green energy, or lgbt rights.


      I swear there is a short-sighted concerted effort to elect trump on lemmy.

      Fucking idiots.

      • Fidel_Cashflow@lemmy.ml
        5 months ago

        supported unions

        Biden blocked the railroad strike in 2022, which was asking for sick days and improved working conditions for rail operators


        Coincidentally, that was shortly followed up by the East Palestine train derailment a month and a half later, caused by a mechanical failure due to safety standards being ignored in favor of maximum throughput


        Additionally, East Palestine still has not been cleaned up properly. Residents are dealing with insane medical conditions because their homes have been poisoned and their government has abandoned them.

        supported green energy

        More fossil fuel has been extracted during biden’s administration than any other time in this country’s history

        https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=61545#:~:text=Crude oil production in the,than 13.3 million b%2Fd.

        Lgbt rights

        550 anti-trans bills have been proposed or passed across the country since 2020. Mr president has done nothing to stop that flow and protect trans people.


        • cybersandwich@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          This feels like a troll account for some reason. Stirring the pot pretty disingenuously across the board.

          The railroad workers got what they wanted because the admin followed up. So he averted a rail strike and got them their concessions.

          The east Palestine disaster isn’t this admins fault. It’s anl negligent rail companies fault combined with deregulation from previous Congresses and the previous administration. Not to mention both previous Congress and admin sat on an infrastructure spending packages that could have addressed antiquated rail infrastructure. Ironically, Biden managed to pass the biggest infrastructure package in American history (with a divided Congress). With clean energy and resiliency built it. And if I recall correctly FEMA and Co are still monitoring and supporting the clean up.

          Your fossil fuel is thing is BS because of course its growing–we’ve done nothing, our CONGRESS has done nothing to curtail it. The previous admin opened the flood gates on regulations as well. Don’t lay that at the feet of this admin. That’s absolute horse shit. The aforementioned infrastructure bill included the most investment in green energy ever.

          And the anti trans shit is Bidens fault how? He signed the respect marriage act, he reversed the ban for trans service members, and strengthen some of the protections against discrimination re housing and healthcare.

          You want lord emperor Biden to go send mobs after statehouses and local governments?? That’s not how Any of this works and you know it.

  • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    So true and even the demand of the unjust man is an argument to moderation fallacy. Theres no reason to ever presume the middle to be the correct place, simply due to its middle-ness.

    For example, if I said the sky was predominantly yellow and you corrected me saying “no, the sky is predominantly blue” would it be reasonable to conclude that the sky is predominantly green?