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Joined 3 days ago
Cake day: February 10th, 2025


  • FauxLiving@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldDammit OneDrive
    3 hours ago

    You’ll find out about it when you grow up.

    I’m pretty sure, when I grew up, my aspirations were a bit higher than bragging about being a corporate drone.

    When your value comes from the experience on your resume and not the stack of CompTIA certifications that you purchased while attending college, you get job offers that don’t come with a cubicle.

  • Sure, but as a leftist who grew up in a deep red area, I can tell you that those people are, largely, uneducated and ignorant.

    It is because of that ignorance that they’re able to believe the lies that led them to acting the way that they did. The people who bear the majority of the responsibility and blame are the ones who know that they’re taking advantage of and cultivating that ignorance.

    I get to hear, in real time, the propaganda engine work on these people (which includes most of my family). I see how topics are framed, by media personalities, into palatable actions. As I’m writing this, there’s a podcast playing at my job, where DOGE is being celebrated for finding ‘fraud and abuse’. I know, for a fact, that the listeners don’t have a high school education and have no idea how the government’s payment systems work… but the radio is telling them that DOGE is doing good work.

    So, how can they know any better? These are not people who’re ever going to continue their education and their media literacy skills were developed in the 80s. They’re simply not equipped to handle the scale of lying that exists in the modern world.

    On the other hand, the person talking, has multiple degrees and has served in the federal government. That person KNOWS they’re lying but continue to do so because it is profitable. I find people like that to be far more culpable. They’re lying for profit (grifting, to use an over used term) and their lies reach millions of voters.

    Then you have the people who benefit from the lies. Trump and Elon know that they’re dealing with ignorant people, they know exactly how to use populist rhetoric at public events. While, in private, they’re using the power that they’ve obtained to corruptly enrich themselves and their sycophants.

    Direct your ire at the people who’re actively profiting off of lies and corruption. Help to educate the other people around you when they’re being fed lies.

    Attacking your neighbor while Elon and Trump ransack the government is not only pointless, it’s completely counter-productive and ensures that we’ll never unify against this kind of power grab.

  • It’s predictable (3.52 hours in advance, apparently) that the kind of people who enjoy low-effort outrage content (like calling a piece of software transphobic) are the same people who are unable express themselves with words. They rely on downvotes or little drive-by ad hominem quips rather than their ability to contribute anything of substance.

    That’s why, in this thread, not one person can answer a simple question such as ‘How is software transphobic’ despite 10 people downvoting the person for asking. They can’t answer because there isn’t an answer, it is a nonsense statement meant to generate outrage.

    It’s the exact same level of ignorance that you see from social media users on the right, in their endless quest to ‘own the libs’. It’s ignorant when they do it, and it’s ignorant when people on the other end of the political spectrum do it.

  • Hot take:

    The problem isn’t the other middle class people who’ve been convinced to wear a different color hat.

    The problem is the oligarchs who’ve been plotting to take over and destroy the power of the people by dismantling the government. The people who are actively doing that exact thing while the ignorant masses engage in tribalism and attacking people for voting.

    Engaging on this topic is just furthering the distraction tactics. The people who’re actively working to destroy the government or implementing policies targeting minority populations are not your neighbors or anybody that you will run into on social media.

  • Because people are still Reddit-brained, have no capacity for nuance and thrive on outrage like an addict.

    For the addicts with their finger smashing the downvote button:

    Elon Musk is an idiot. But that doesn’t mean that a Tesla Model S is an idiot.

    A Hyprland developer could be transphobic, members who comment in the community could be transphobic but that doesn’t make the software transphobic.

    Software doesn’t have political opinions.

    If you want to not be hypocritical and examine all products with the same ridiculous level of scrutiny then you’re probably using electronic components in your house, car, smartphone and PC that were sourced using slave labor, child labor or built by countries that engage in human rights abuse.

    The electricity used to allow you to uncritically attack people online was generated by means which contribute to climate change which will kill or displace hundreds of millions of people.

    The language you’re using is primarily used by cultures who have historically engaged in colonialism, piracy, slavery, religious oppression, ethnic cleansing and wars of aggression.

    So, unless you’re willing to sit in a forest and never communicate with another person, you’re going to be using technology which, if you pedantically dig deep enough, you can find some “problematic” behaviors associated with.

    Or, you could not act ignorant in online spaces. That’s also an option.

  • Unfortunately, simply reading the constitution without any knowledge of how to parse legal language or any background knowledge about major Supreme Court decisions will leave the average person more confused than informed.

    So I don’t doubt that people read it, but there is a reason that law school isn’t simply reciting the constitution.

    While the average voter may be ignorant… JD Vance absolutely knows better, he doesn’t get to hide behind claims of ignorance or confusion.

  • Person A: Vague, sexist generalizations deserve rude answers.


    So, what about women’s treatment in Afghanistan disproves the claim “Vague, sexist generalizations deserve rude answers”?

    Do vague, sexist generalizations not deserve rude answers because of the treatment of women in Afghanistan?

    Maybe if women were treated better in Afghanistan then vague sexist answers would be more deserving of rude answers?.. Or would they be less deserving?

    Are you a bot? Because nothing that you typed makes any sense, at all, in this context.

  • It’s not the eggs that you should worry about, salmonella is largely controlled by the egg processing company. The wheat used to make flour can be contaminated by rat feces, which is then ground into the batch.

    If you want to eliminate the risk, and still eat the raw cookie dough, you can brown flour in the oven before making the cookie dough. It won’t work well if you try to bake it, but if you want to use raw cookie dough (like, in a batch of ice cream) but don’t want to contract e.Coli then brown flour is the way to go.

    I mean, I still taste the raw cookie dough before I bake… but just in case someone needed to know, there’s a safe way to do it.