• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • Nothing really, but the protest does shine a light on humanities superficial respect for historically important monuments and cultural sites especially when it comes to climate change.

    Stonehenge is a culturally important site, no doubt about it, and the reaction to the protest has been swift and strong and includes criminal charges. But the same state that condemns these actions in the harshest terms is timid in the face of the much more destructive acts of climate change.

    Where is the outrage over the climate driven erosion of the Cliffs of Dover? Or the surge risk to the tower Of London? Or Orkney Islands? Not even to mention the risks to human health, food production, invasive species, and fires.

    Personally, I’m done carrying water for big oil and climate deniers by focusing on the method of protest instead of the message.

  • I remember the last time the power went out bad, hurricane Fiona, I had a full battery while everyone else was in the long lines for gas during the hour or two a day they had the station generator running to keep the pumps working.

    I was fine, thanks so much for caring, I really appreciate the thoughtful concern you’ve shown here.

  • Thank you for your genuine interest in electricity generation in my local area. The electricity mix where I’m from is a combination of wind, nuclear, and hydro electric. In emergencies we have a backup combustion system that will kick in. My power company publishes a neato dashboard all about it, it’s actually at most 1/6th and usually 1/12th or lower g/MWH CO2 VS coal fired power production.

    But curiously enough, even if it were run entirely on coal, my electric car would still produce much less CO2 over its lifespan, and have the potential to get cleaner as grids improve, since gasoline is so much more CO2 intense and Ice engines are so mature without much more room for serious efficiency gains.

    I’m super glad you were curious enough to ask me such open ended questions, and really happy that my work in this area gave me the knowledge to answer your obviously genuine questions. Now you can be proud to know something you didn’t know a few minutes ago becuase of your open mindedness.