In that picture? It’s a bee, contemplating leaping from the edge and ending it all after reading that article
In that picture? It’s a bee, contemplating leaping from the edge and ending it all after reading that article
The Dollop
Particularly the 1908 New York Paris Car Race episode
Diogenes has entered the chat
“Jean-Luc, what have you done?”
Why does it look so much like Homer Simpson though…?
Yeah I see that haha I promise it’s not, I’m more a pepsi guy usually anyway 👀 #ad
Just never go to Scunthorpe
Though I just realised I’m a walking stereotype
No contest, just look at these guys
Terrible coffee
Ooh neat, think that’s from the same root as troth/betrothal in English too, proto German for truth & fidelity
I get that, but also, it’s always seemed like the purpose of the ring is to signify the state of being, so engagement ring to show the state of being engaged, wedding ring shows the state of being married, or wed, I guess it works both ways
Not a strongly held view by any means 😆
French as well - le bague de mariage
Gotta be Mark Knopfler - Sailing to Philadelphia
What a bargain, right??
Doesn’t help much in the UK unfortunately
Yet another of the endless benefits of Brexit! /s
Most of the major newspapers (this is from a UK perspective but I’d imagine they’re accessible in other places) have a live news page for big developing news stories - the BBC site is probably a good unbiased-ish one