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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024

  • It’s yet another example of how liberal hypocrisy has led to the ongoing collapse of society.

    The core thought process requires one to agree that all conservatives should die as well, if all pedophiles should be killed.

    They’ll condemn pedos in the same breath as lamenting Turing and have absolutely zero cognitive dissonance.

    And yet you won’t find a single liberal willing to stand up for their beliefs.

    Even here you see their liberal purity tests, having to declare your attraction to adults or your vote for Biden or whatever next purity test there is. No I don’t fucking like children, the fact that a liberal is going to turn up here to accuse me of it is further proof of the thesis.

  • Apple Maps also straight up gives objectively better audio guidance (e.g. “move to the right lane to turn right at the next light” vs “turn right in 300 feet”).

    Additionally the “directions” portion of the screen has large font and is clearly visible compared to Google’s tiny font on a window the size of 10% of the screen to show you more ads. (Yes, the reason some business appear at all zoom levels while others only pop up at street level is ads)

    What a fall from grace. I remember when Apple Maps would direct people to drive through halfway built overpasses with 500 feet of open air at the end because it’s not built yet.

  • Chinese plants will make whatever the hell you need them to at your desired quality, as long as you meet the market price.

    There’s an incredible irony in Americans associating them with poor quality because the American capitalists ordering the goods decided to cheap out and cut corners lmao.

  • It depends what you’re looking for. If you don’t care about story and community, you can purchase a boost right to the endgame (or I guess, start-game of this expansion) and start playing the latest content almost immediately. It’s really not a hard game even at the 2nd hardest content tier. I could regularly out-DPS the DPS players as a healer in pugs.

    However, FF14 also famously has some of the best storytelling and communities in the genre. Even catching up to Stormblood would take hundreds of hours and there are like 3 new expansions since then.

    Personally the appeal to me was the immersion, working through the story from the start, making bonds and connections with other players and your guild. This takes time and if you have it, the game will show you plenty to do.