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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • ”I had originally not wanted to see [Galaxy Quest] because I heard that it was making fun of Star Trek and then Jonathan Frakes rang me up and said ‘You must not miss this movie! See it on a Saturday night in a full theatre.’ And I did and of course I found it was brilliant. Brilliant.

    ”No one laughed louder or longer in the cinema than I did, but the idea that the ship was saved and all of our heroes in that movie were saved simply by the fact that there were fans who did understand the scientific principles on which the ship worked was absolutely wonderful. And it was both funny and also touching in that it paid tribute to the dedication of these fans.”

  • In his diary entries from 1895, Herzl unambiguously advocated for the forced emigration of Palestinians, writing “to spirit the penniless [Palestinian] population across the border by denying it any employment in our own country… Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discreetly and circumspectly.” He envisioned a program of strict ethnic segregation, denying Palestinians employment and economic opportunities, to compel their exodus.

    Herzl believed this combination of ethnic separation and forced transfer, or ethnic cleansing, could be made to appear voluntary, masking the violent reality. This cynical blueprint of demographic engineering through discrimination and dispossession was perhaps his most insidious contribution to the ideology of settler colonialism.

  • We all know that’s inconsistent. Let’s start with the fact that if this was just about money, Google wouldn’t be investing money on expensive like green initiatives or large donations to nonprofits.

    If employees wanted to take time off to grieve for the LGBT deaths at the Pulse nightclub shooting, the company would have supported them. Would they have done the same for people grieving over dead Palestinian children, or fire them for not meeting their work requirements or ‘disrupting business’? Would Google fire employees who staged a sit-in over anti-Semitism in the workplace?

    Google broke their corporate ethics by allying with a military for a lucrative contract; employees SHOULD be calling them out on it.

  • Google PRIDES itself on progressivism and diversity. From transgender visibility to veganism. Google showered Ukrainian and Israeli employees with support and gave them a platform, but Palestinian supporters were left out. Say Ukrainians are dying and google will support you and even donate for you. Protest Google’s military contract that kills Palestinian civilians and violates the company ethics policies and you get fired?

    This will blemish google’s reputation for a long time to come. IBM is still in the history books as helping the Nazis.