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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I did answer your question. Look around yourself at all the people that work outside for a living in temperatures much hotter than 79 degrees. Or think about all of human history before the advent of the air conditioner. Or the large segments of the global population that live in tropical climates without AC.

    The fact that you become dehydrated “quickly” in 79 degree weather honestly might be a medical condition. Were I you, I would consult your doctor. Unless you’re fairly obese, the fact you’re saying you sweat so much you become dehydrated in mildly warm weather is concerning.

  • Just go outside and look at people working outdoors or exercising. 79 isn’t very hot. Shocking fact: A/C was invented in the 20th century. Humans and summers were invented way, way before that. Do you think farmers just spontaneously combusted every summer before the advent of A/C? I know many farmers that don’t have A/C to this day, and they work sun up to sun down all summer long with no problems.

    79 degrees would barely be considered hot in large swaths of the world. You can live and work in relative comfort at 79 degrees. Think of it this way: people run 135 mile ultramarathons in Death Valley where temperatures get up to 130 degrees.

    Not everyone sits inside an air conditioned cube all day.