Developer by day, gamer by night!

🖥️ Stack: #NodeJS #Flutter #Go

🐧Linux: Currently on #Fedora

🎮️ Games: #ApexLegends and #Chess

Fun fact: Built my own custom keyboard, which sometimes doesn’t work and hangs, but hey… it still adds to the charm, right 😂

  • 22 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • oh… it’s a game where every day there’s a 5 letter word you have to guess.

    you start with a random word and it shows you if the letters are in its corect place (green), wrong place (yellow) or they don’t occur at all (gray).

    then you keep on guessing until you find the word or reach the limit.

  • A friend of mine and I were chilling in his car and listening to music.

    At some point we both farted silently at the same time, but without knowing the other one farted too. It smelled horrible… like 2 disgusting farts mixing together.

    The funny part is, as silly as we were then, we both also inhaled deeply, kind of to brag about “our” accomplishment… we then looked at each other confused, like “why the hell did you just inhale my fart?” …

    he then went like “wait, did you just fart?” … “uhm yes… did you too?” … “yes!” … “OMG! urghhh… open the window!”

  • in a nutshell

    This is how the control and information exchange of smart devices work:

    Phone App -> [Server] … [Server] -> Smart Device and vice versa

    There’s no way around this concept.

    Now, Google gives you the phone app and the (public) server part. but these only work with their servers and apps, keeping you locked in.

    HA gives you the same, a server and an app, but allows you to keep the server private (access via vpn for public)

    Also who guarantees that Google Home will be there in the next few years? HA will still keep running even if it ever gets abandoned.

    2 months ago

    yeah, it’s such a shame that people think X is the right place to share important updates.

    It fucking absolutely is NOT!

    Yesterday I went to look up Trakts X profile to see whether there are issues with their API. X shows posts from 2020-2023, but nothing from 2024 even though there was a tweet from 2 days ago.

    X is dead and should officially be declared as such.