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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Gonna preface this by saying this is not my worst, or really even a bad experience. We were in a 69 with her on top. I was getting into it and wrapped my arms around her waist, squeezing her down on me. This was just the right amount of pressure to squeak a little fart out of her, which made me giggle while still firmly planting my face in the fun zone. The sensation of me giggling made her tense up, ripping a fat one right in my face. I pulled my face away so I could laugh harder, but that made me gasp through my mouth, and I cough while yelling “OH GOD IT’S IN MY MOUTH!” We are both dying from laughing so hard, but a moment later she suddenly says “LET ME UP” in a really panicked tone and runs to the bathroom. I sat up so I could ask if she was OK, and felt a drip from my beard. I said “wow babe you left me a little treat, you were really wet!” She screams through the door “OH MY GOD DON’T LICK THAT!” She had laughed so hard that she peed on my face.

  • I really like the way Ameliorated/AME Wizard handles the debloating. You take a Windows ISO and install like usual, then run AME with a playbook (like AtlasOS), which strips out the bloat through a collection of scripts . AME Wizard is open source, and you can directly inspect all the scripts within the playbook, whereas Tiny11 is a whole ISO that is hard to verify. Not saying that I can personally vouch that it is completely trustworthy, as I have only taken a brief look at the code and scripts, but I like to have the option. It also means that I could modify out any changes I don’t like.

    I found out about AME Wizard when I had to reformat a MiPad2 tablet with 2gb of RAM, and so far it has worked better than when the tablet was new. The only downside is that you go through the full Win 11 install, so you need enough available space and then reclaim the wasted space after, but it is at least mostly automated.

  • If you parameterize your selections, it will help you find parts that are currently the cheapest, like so: https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/4mhPpB

    Remove the cooler if you stick with a CPU like the Ryzen 7700 which comes bundled with one (and you don’t mind some noise). If you get a cooler anyway, then you might as well take the bump up to the 7800X3D.

    Remove the AMD GPUs from the filter if you care about DLSS/RTX. AMD historically has better Linux compatibility though.

    Case is subjective so swap however you fancy, as long as the front is mesh.

    Take off the RAM if your existing kit is 6000+ (or you want to save some cash despite the small performance hit). 16GB+ is already enough for the vast majority of games, as long as you stick to a single pair of sticks for stability.

    Edit: It just dawned on me that the existing 24GB you have is probably not DDR5, even though the build you posted requires it. You can’t use old DDR4 on newer platforms, so plan on ditching it with the old board. Alternatively, you could skip the whole build and just get the best GPU that your power supply can handle, if your current CPU is not too old. You will get better suggestions if you can post your old specs first.

  • I already suggested this in another comment, but you can easily apply a thought experiment here. Magically replace all white people with black people with the same upbringing: does crime go up, down, or basically stay the same? Magically replace all pitbulls with chihuahuas with the same upbringing: do maulings go up, down, or basically stay the same?

    Couldn’t tell the cops if the mugger was white or black? Pretty understandable. Couldn’t tell the cops if the dog that bit you was a chihuahua or a pitbull? Really?

    Any “big dog with a blocky head” should be banned from breeding or sale, and nobody who agrees with that statement cares about DNA. It is a matter of public safety and it doesn’t matter that humans are the real problem, because humans are notoriously hard to control. The pitbulls and similar breeds we have today deserve all the love and comfort we can give them now, but they shouldn’t be bred into the future because there is no legitimate reason to own one except for its potential for violence and flatulence-scapegoating.