Nope. It would realize how much more efficient it would be to simulate 10billions humans instead of actually having 10billions human. So it would wipeout humanity from earth, start building huge huge data center and simulate a whole… Wait a minute…
Nope. It would realize how much more efficient it would be to simulate 10billions humans instead of actually having 10billions human. So it would wipeout humanity from earth, start building huge huge data center and simulate a whole… Wait a minute…
The 2ks was also the “terrorism” era. I don’t want to kill the mood, but nostalgia is very strong in erasing bad stuff.
But I’m feeling like you. I miss Counter Strike LAN parties and Linking Park too 🙂
Small word about OpenGL, as it seems confusing for many peoples:
OpenGL is a spec written by Kronos group. There is no such thing as OpenGL library, or OpenGL source code. You cannot “download” OpenGL. OpenGL is really just a buch of .txt files explaining how functions should be named and what they should do. This spec define an API.
Then, this API can be implemented by anyone, by writing code and putting it in a library.
GPU drivers implement this API. That means that Nvidia, AMD and Intel have their own implementation.
To have access to this API from your program, you have to “getProcAdress” all function you want to use from GPU driver’s DLL. As this is quite painfull, libs exist, like glew, that do it for you. These libs are really just a long list of getProcAdress for all entry points.
That’s also why you cannot “static link” with OpenGL. As function can only be retrieved at runtime.
Another interesting things is MESA. It’s a CPU implementation of OpenGL spec. So MESA is a lib, with source code and so on. You can download it, link against it, etc… This is very useful when you want to do 3D without GPU (yes, this happen, especially in medical domain).
Was thincking the same thing
Because I installed it when it was pre-alpha version. Ended up to an ugly window with just an addresse bar. I though “this shit will never worked, yet another utopistic project, too bad…”
Then, came back 2 years later, gave him a 2nd chance and “OMG ! They fucking did it !”. So I keep it as a redemption for not having believed in the project at first.
1984 is not about mass surveillance. It’s about lowering the langage and culture so that you don’t even have word to criticize the system.
We have a long history of complaining and resisting to quite anything, bad or good. And also cutting head from time to time.