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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • The newest Teams app (and I think newest Outlook amongst others) is using system/Edge provided WebViews rather than Electron, which I guess takes care of the “each app gets its own Chrome instance” part of the Electron bloat. It’s so far running better than old Teams for me. On my old work laptop, the fans spun up the second the old Teams client launched lol

  • Ma langue maternelle est le français. Je suis né et vis au Québec, d’une famille canadienne française assez typique. Mes habiletés d’écriture sont plutôt fortes à en croire mes notes à l’école, mais je les pratique très peu. Je ne le parle pas aussi bien que je l’écris…

    Otherwise I’m pretty proficient in English. I’d say I’m more or less bilingual at this point. I cannot seem to enjoy fiction books nearly as much in the language though. I can’t really appreciate the differences in style well enough, I think.