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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The history of forcing slaves into limited food choices, and then caricaturing an entire race based on people adapting to those arbitrary forced limits…there are alot of layers of historical racism in play that could make doing this in a way that highlights those foods would probably play into that racism. Chicken and watermelon aren’t “black” foods, they were common staples of Southern slaves that had limited choices.

    That said, those stereotypes are stupid, those foods are delicious to people of all races, so if those foods are served as a broader celebration or feast and its just part of the day without any emphasis or indicators of meeting (i.e., chicken and fruit are common foods for celebration so why not have them), I don’t think anyone would care.

  • My point is it processes information very differently than how humans do. It doesn’t know anything about what these things actually are, for instance, leading it to give impossible suggestions. I’ve asked it for Obama hi/lo strategy to see what it would say and its advice included playing hands to win low that didnt qualify for low. It knew useful stuff and also confidently declared mistakes in ways amateurs who barely knew the rules wouldn’t do.

    My point being, it works very differently from humans.

  • LLMs can read the website, but I’d argue its comprehension works VERY differently than human comprehension. If I ask you whats the price of a Banapple, you’ll know that doesn’t exist. The LLM might catch that thing doesn’t exist, or it might average all the prices of all the Apple associated data it has and all the banana associated data it has, regardless of unit, and give you that averaged price, or otherwise make up a logic to deliver you a price. It doesn’t know shit about fruit in the way you intuitively understand fruit.

  • Honestly though you bring up a good point. Having a strategy to try to shop economically but not worry about every exact penny is probably a better life strategy than trying to analyze every scrap of data with systems in monetized, enshittified ways that ‘optimize’ your decision making.

    For most uses, simple heuristics that gets us 95% of the way there for little effort or cost are better than resource intensive enshittified data systems that get us more ‘optimized’ results in a narrow sense.

    I’d much rather just shop Aldi and learn how to cook eggs and and shit than try add another enshittified app 'experience ’ to my daily life. I dont even use those fucking grocery apps for coupons anymore. In addition to the data scraping and selling they undoubtedly do, it isn’t even worth it considering the time and inconvenience to manage the data and coupons. Between that shit and self-checkout, its like you are a low grade part time employee LOL.

  • Yeah, im skeptical of AIs to accurately do any of that, at least not any LLM. Like, LLMs aren’t going to be could at decision making based on ever-changing real time information.

    However tradition software and apps with good data practices can do this…indeed some of them have existing for like a decade in certain markets…they themselves becoming systems people and companies try to gamify to sometimes counter-productive outcomes.