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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 5th, 2023


  • The right to swing your arm ends where it would hit my face. You like the vroom vroom noises? Nobody cares. You make the vroom vroom noises in the middle of a neighborhood with a bunch of bystanders around who were minding their own business? Everyone cares. I experience physical pain from loud noises. They don’t just annoy me. They HURT. I’m that sensitive to noise. Keep your roaring shitbucket out in the boonies where the sound won’t knock me over.

  • My experience with Manjaro was okayish for a lot of things, but if I wanted to try some new software, it was a coin toss to see if it would compile or not, and I don’t have the expertise to track down why something didn’t compile. I got fed up with it recently when something I wanted to install…didn’t compile. I went to the effort of backing up my computer, missed a few minor folders, and migrated to Mint.

  • When my mother was still around, any time I tried to open a jar after she’d gotten to it, I would destroy my hands and still not be able to get it open. I could wreck tendons, give myself blisters, try all the tricks mentioned in this thread, and those lids wouldn’t budge. It was like she found a way to weld metal to glass with her bare hands. By comparison, opening the factory seal was no effort at all.

  • harmsy@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlStraps killed my grip
    4 months ago

    All these people are complaining about how hard it is to open a jar, and I’m sitting here scratching my head because the only times I’ve ever struggled with jars was after someone closed them too tightly. Just don’t use a death-grip when you’re closing your jars and you’ll be fine unless you’re elderly or something.