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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Dude, all the work is in the maps, and they generally sell them proportional to the amount of map content. There are two benefits:

    1. Studio doesn’t have to staff up to do all the content at once, but they still get paid periodically for what they do produce. This keeps the staff employed longer in a more stable position.

    2. You can pick and choose which areas you want to get. If you want a big bundle, those still show up on Steam too at various levels of discount. But you’re not locked into having to deal with Ohio too.

  • “Writ of habeas corpus” is a court order to a government law enforcement organization to bring the (hopefully still alive) body of a prisoner into the court room, so the court can determine whether the prisoner is rightfully detained. It is one mechanism that prevents the United States from holding political prisoners with no charges or hearings.

    Corpus delicti is the murder thing.

    The right of habeas corpus refers generally to the right of the law courts to supervise the detention of prisoners. And by extension to right of citizens to petition the courts to release an improperly detained prisoner.

    Habeas corpus is explicitly written into the Constitution, so you can’t just repeal it by legislation like how this knucklehead is suggesting. You can suspend habeas corpus during war; that’s a specific exception in the Constitution that’s actually happened at various times in various wars.

  • Let us all remember that, at least back when it started, the establishment alternative to systemd was a product named after its original operating system, System V UNIX, which is a direct descendent of the original UNIX from AT&T. This sysvinit software used complicated shell scripts to manage daemons. Contrary to some opinions, these shell scripts were not “just working”; they were in fact a constant and major maintenance burden for Linux distributions. When I started on Linux at least, Debian had a suspiciously large fraction of bugs on init script breakages.

    All this is to say that the new system, systemd, doesn’t have to be anywhere near perfect to be worth replacing sysvinit.

    People argue that systemd is rejecting the “UNIX philosophy” of small tools that do one thing well. I argue that this UNIX philosophy is not some kind of universal good with no tradeoffs. It’s an engineering rule of thumb. There are always tradeoffs.

    People argue that systemd is too much like Windows NT. I argue that Windows NT has at least a few good ideas in it. And if one of those ideas solves a problem that Linux has, Linux should use that idea.

  • I’ve met a lot of people who don’t seem to understand this important concept from epistemology, which is the philosophy of knowledge.

    To demonstrate the concept of “non-falsifiability” I will now produce a short fictitious dialog between a made up Scientist, S, and a Religionist, R.

    Topic: how old is the earth? Is it 6,000 years old or more than 4 billion years old?

    S: The earth must be more than 4 billion years old, because I found these rocks. These rocks have isotopes in them and they definitely look like they’ve been around for more than 4 billion years. If the rocks are really old, then the earth must be really old too.

    R: No. The is only 6,000 years old, because the holy Bible has a list of human descendants from Adam, the first man, to Jesus, who we know was born in 4 BC. If you count it all up, you can find the exact year that the earth was created, as described in Genesis 1, and it’s about 6,000 years.

    S: But these rocks… They’re really old…

    R: God must have created those rocks with the isotopes already set up in the correct ratios to look like they are 4 billion years old, when He separated the firmament from the heavens 6,000 years ago.

    S: But how could God create rocks with different isotopes? When minerals solidify from molten lava, lead isotopes naturally form in this ratio. (I don’t actually know how initial lead composition was established for this)

    R: God is omnipotent! Any miracle is within his grasp.

    S: But why would God want to make the earth appear to be much older than it really is? What purpose does it serve?

    R: I do not pretend to understand the ways of God.