Did you know YAML is a recursive acronym? It stands for ‘YAML AML MAML LAML’
Did you know YAML is a recursive acronym? It stands for ‘YAML AML MAML LAML’
I don’t get the gender neutral either (using Gboard on an older Android). Which is a bit odd because as far as I can tell gender neutral is the base character, and the male and female versions are customisations that are applied as if they were accented characters.
I’d rather have them all as no-gender, no-race, generic little yellow peeps but eh…
Getting XCom flashbacks. I’d set up a breach team on the door, and send the rest of the squad round and up that drainpipe so they can drop down from the roof. But best go around the back of the cars so as not to activate through the window.
A stoic is a boid that brings babies
Here’s the article I checked to refresh my memory; https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2015/oct/15/homeland-is-racist-artists-subversive-graffiti-tv-show . The show runners never checked and it went to air uncensored.
There was an episode of Homeland, where they hired a graffiti artist to paint some Arabic language slogans as set dressing. The slogans the artist chose? “Homeland is racist”, “Homeland is a joke, and it didn’t make us laugh”, “#blacklivesmatter”, “Homeland is NOT a series”, “The situation is not to be trusted”, “This show does not represent the views of the artists”
You build your track dead straight - like, not conforming to the surface direct through the crust straight. Now the train accelerates downhill for the first half of the journey, and decelerates uphill for the second, neatly coming to a stop at the destination. Oddly enough, in the spherical cow universe where you build this, all the maths cancels such that you get a constant travel time regardless of the start and end locations. On earth it’s about 40 minutes
They’re aglets. I believe Phineas and Ferb is a cartoon, but I’ve never seen it.
I’m using an LG K9 right now. Works ok, but I’d prefer a smaller screen