Unfortunately toxic bullshit isnt great for growing things.
Unfortunately toxic bullshit isnt great for growing things.
Warmer waters isnt the real problem (well i mean it is) its ocean acidifcation where coral and other marine creatures cant form carbonated calcium shells anymore causing a complete collapose of marine ecosystems.
I havent seen trumps birth certificate either. Probably where his income tax papers he promised or maybe where his obamacare reform proposal is…
Witcher 3 was one of the few games I 100% and didnt use fast travel… the journey was half the game.
Why stop at phones? Practically every car made today has a 4g modem and gps module onboard.
A new moon is when the moon is between the sun and earth. A full moon is when the moon is behind the earth, and a lunar eclipse is when the earth blocks the sun on the moon during a full moon cycle.
Idk if its changed, but you cant edit or delete messaged un steam. That was a huge turn off for me
Depends on your use case.
It’s not impossible. Just annoyingly difficult.
Condos would be alright, except they cost just as much as a standalone home…
My years of playing ksp says you should be firing the thrusters long before you open the chutes otherwise theyll just get jerked off the moment they open at high speed entry…
We should start naming hurricanes after companies in the order that have the biggest emissions.
i never understood the suspicion about companies selling solar panels… they’re not snake oil, they work exactly as they are advertised. But, they allow people to be self reliant and not forced to rely on large enegry companies. It really shows where the allegiance for “conservatives” lie.
One could spend the enegry to spin their own beliefs to demostrate their contradictions… but their cognitive dissonance will cause them to just dig deeper to maintain their world view… people have to have an open mind before any rational debates can be made.
I use my phone for music… but i have a 256GB sd card installed in it.
You dont use hibeams in fog or heavy snow… you’ll just blind yourself.
The 1920’s were starting to become enlightened… which only fueled the facists hate. Were currently in that same situation, but this time we must let the facists know they are weak and wont hurt anymore people this time.
I like how phones become so thin then need to jut out to make room for the cameras so they cant even lie flat anymore… so dumb
Coconut oil is high in saturated fats.