• 2 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • whoreticulture@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldA bit late
    2 months ago

    These young men can … listen to women??? They don’t need to be spoon fed feminism by friends, there is a ton of information available if they care to learn. The fact that they choose to listen to sexist assholes rather than have their feelings hurt for two seconds is part of the problem dumbass

  • Why are people on this app/website/whatever so paranoid and dismissive of anyone with a slight disagreement lmao, just because someone isn’t on the same page as you, doesn’t mean they’re an FBI plant. But I guess it’s easier to say that than it is to admit you’re tone-policing a trans person after an encounter with a rampant and overt transphobe.

  • Wow lmao I can’t believe you straight up just believe that, I am guessing you’re a terf too? idk. anyway this is some of the transphobia I was talking about. This user didn’t like what I was saying because I called them out as spouting terf rhetoric, and they started calling me a fake trans person trying to make trans people look bad.