• 25 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 15th, 2024


  • LED joysticks that can select from over 16 million color options. This might not be practical, considering only about 25 different color settings would have been sufficient.

    So the RGB leds come with 256 levels of brightness for each color. Don’t worry, article-writer, the company wasted zero extra effort on this “feature.”

    I consider getting one of these things every once in a while, but then I remember that I’ve pulled my hacked PSP out of the drawer like three times in the last ten years, and I shrug and move on. It’s generally more fun for me to plug a USB controller into my computer for retrogaming.

  • I actually watched the trailer, and this one looks… okay? It is trying to mash up Fast & Furious with Elf, and it could work, I guess. I would likely smile at the high-concept nonsense while sitting in a Doctor’s waiting room.

    At $250M budget, though that’s gonna be a tough one. The pre-COVID rule of thumb was double to the budget with ticket sales to break even in the sense of “powers that be will be content and no one’s career gets derailed.” I have my doubts this is a half-billion-dollar movie.

  • You need to read it in the context of the other strips. Normally, someone in the first panel defies Everett’s sense of decorum and general decent behavior (e.g. describing a way they took advantage of another person, or being unecessarily), and in the second panel Everett cartoonishly attacks them in a fit of righteous rage. It’s all meant to be a wish fulfillment for someone struggling with the stresses of “modern” urban living. I feel like Larry David would probably have been a fan if he were around during its run, if that helps; just imagine the Seinfeld gang if they looked and acted like Kingpin from the Marvel stuff. I think the audience is invited to sympathize with Everett’s sensibilities and to laugh at the catharsis of someone actually indulging their rage.

    This one subverts the trope. It invites the audience to suppose the beggar will be destroyed, especially with the foreshadowing. However, simply existing and hoping for a little generosity does not violate Everett’s personal code, so going against the perceived rational choice, he listens to his better angels, leaves a coin, and moves on. I can almost imagine the cartoonist starting to become a little troubled at how sincerely people, possibly total assholes, professed to admire Everett and so wanted to turn things around a bit.

  • So whether a charter school can be religious wasn’t really considered.

    If it wasn’t considered thoroughly, it was only because the court decided it was obvious. The school tried to say that they didn’t count as a public school, because they’re a private entity contracting with the state, but the court said, “No, you only exist as a school because you pursued a contract to use state funding. You are a charter school, and in OK charter schools are public schools, and public schools are not to be explicitly religious.”

    This case was so beyond the pale that it wasn’t even enough to cite state caselaw saying it was okay for the state to pay a Baptist orphanage to house native American kids because the orphanage didn’t make them go to church or convert. The case very clearly confirms that charter schools, as they are structured in Oklahoma, have to at least put on a pretense of nonsectarianism. Otherwise, they need to be private schools and try to leverage less direct ways to extract money from the state. This is harder because the funds are not guaranteed upon enrollment.

    Now all THAT said, I assume the school will appeal and find out just how much Clarence Thomas hates reading other people’s court decisions when he can simply skim a pocket copy and decide he knows best and his first instinct is always right.

  • Fair; I guess I should have run some data. I just used gasbuddy.com to run a similar track for what would have been my rather lengthy commute if my employer had asked us to return to office (and kept the lease on that building). Apart from a couple of outliers just outside the Dallas-Fort Worth airport, I’m only getting an 8% variance (about USD 0.23/gallon, versus your 25% and AUD 0.55/litre – is that right?).

    That said, Iwill admit that $0.10/gallon suboptimal average price is probably more likely than I thought, though with a less intense driving situation one would still be well under the $260/year “convenience premium.” Outside the US and other oil-subsidizing countries, the numbers clearly work out very differently.

  • IIRC, Plato puts almost everything of substance into Socrates’ voice. Similarly, there are multiple versions of Homer, multiple versions of Gilgamesh, even multiple extant texts of Shakespeare, to say nothing of the sources he lifted from shamelessly. Hell, the Christian Bible collects four variations on the life of Jesus, not completely consistent with each other and super different from quite a few narratives that didn’t make the cut when they decided on a single library to collect as “The Bible.”

    This is also a very clever meta way for Miller to tell the nerds to calm down. I actually find it really interesting how the people who can create compelling stories are often among the least fixated on telling consistent ones.

  • People are weird about gasoline. They’ll drive around looking for the cheapest option, to save 2 cents/gallon. Even with a huge tank, that’s less than 50 cents of total savings.

    Bless 'em for keeping the price pressure on, but this is so very true. Once I ran a couple of mental hypotheticals, I stopped giving a shit, beyond avoiding places right by airports that jack it up a dollar or more (Las Vegas and especially Orlando, with lots of tourists in rentals, are the worst offenders I’ve seen).

    For a pretty extreme example consider, as you say, a large 25-gal tank, and filling up from dry twice a week, at an average of $0.10/gal non-optimal price: you pay an annual premium of $260 bucks not to drive yourself batty hunting for pennies, and burning at least a tiny bit more fuel to do it. Most people will pay far less. It’s just this weird thing that stuck in people’s brains long past the point where a cent increase was any significant percentage of the fuel purchase.