Alien diarrhea is the real cause of global warning!
Alien diarrhea is the real cause of global warning!
Now that’s what I call shitposting!
Nobody says that’s ALL you have to do. How are you taking this personally? How do you think the tip is secretly meant as an insult? I can see that if you’ve thought about this a lot and tried many things, it could be frustrating to see simple tips like this. Regardless, you’re reading more into people’s personalities and their intentions than is really there.
What this means to me when I read it- many people have a very sensitive sense of smell and after even any light activity or enough time, people will not smell perfectly clean anymore. I have showered and then spent 15 minutes working on something and then been told that I smell. Good luck if you meet someone that has a sensitive sense of smell- you will probably be told to take a shower whenever you are not perfectly clean and want some physical interaction. Will you tell them “that is secretly meant as an insult against people like me who have tried everything…” Or will you take a shower? Then you’ll be told to shower every time it’s relevant, maybe multiple times per week, that’s on top of showering every day. Now you’ve been informed that there are people like this. Relationships require some accomodation to the other person’s wants, and hope the other person will likewise make a similar effort to accommodate the things that are important to you.
Mayweather knocked him out on his feet and held him up until he could stand again
The comment doesn’t imply that everyone who can’t find a partner is unkempt, it’s just a recommendation to help people out.
Like if I said that people who ride bicycles are physically fit, I wouldn’t be implying that everyone who is physically fit rides bicycles
I love cumin. But really, it has a nutty earthy flavor… One of my favorites along with onion powder.
What is blue but doesn’t weigh very much? Light blue
I heard that Biden can assassinate Trump and he might not need to pardon himself.
Hmm paywall for me. Thanks though I’ll find it somewhere
Has the audio actually been made available?
Or they keep pressure on the wound without checking if there’s an exit wound that is also leaking blood
Person gets shot and they have to dig the bullet out to save them.
Food in plastic containers seems really bad for you, and microwaving food in plastic seems worse.
Are you aware that there are people in this world that have a severe medical condition which causes them to be that way? My mother for instance is one of those people. She is a truck driver that has bad knees and a bad back from driving the truck but you probably do not care about that case either. Oh well I am not one of those people I am 6’4″ 245lbs and I exercise every day. I would love to see you say something like to my mother in front of me. Probably never happen though you are probably just an internet tough guy. I doubt very seriously you would say that to someones face. Just my thought.What do you think. Oh I am sorry you probably do not have a brain. I on the other hand will be happy to buy you a plane ticket to come here and see if you have the nerve to say that to someone I know.
Looks like a swing for someone with special needs
Those pads are edible
This seems like a right wing meme. Really, at first I didn’t see this was a shit post so that’s my bad.
I don’t think that peasant economy was exploitative in the same way capitalism is. Peasants were largely farmers who grew food and provided the landowner with a percentage of their crop. They were integral to human survival and as far as I know the percentage taken by landowners was not comparable to the wealth extracted from workers today.