As a Linux user, I shit on Linux tutorials being obtuse because the solution is often like “then sudo [command]” and now run these 8 other commands. But at least with Linux commands, a smart person can piece together what’s going on.
Windows, it’s even worse. It’s like a bunch of black boxes talking to other black boxes so after you right click to enable that property and add this registry key, you then have to reboot into your bios to turn on “Fuckboi” mode and take photos of your asshole for verification, then log into your Microsoft account to get this Powershell script and now you can finally see your children again.
As a Linux user, I shit on Linux tutorials being obtuse because the solution is often like “then sudo [command]” and now run these 8 other commands. But at least with Linux commands, a smart person can piece together what’s going on.
Windows, it’s even worse. It’s like a bunch of black boxes talking to other black boxes so after you right click to enable that property and add this registry key, you then have to reboot into your bios to turn on “Fuckboi” mode and take photos of your asshole for verification, then log into your Microsoft account to get this Powershell script and now you can finally see your children again.
And to add insult to injury, many of the issues in Windows are just “I don’t want to do this the way MS wants everyone to do this.”