My wife says every family has this drawer. I do not believe every family has this drawer. Do you have this drawer? Do you know a good solution to this drawer?
We have a silverware drawer, organized, maxed out. A sharps drawer, organized, maxed out. Ziplocs, organized, maxed out. Bbq tools and oven mitts, organized, maxed out. But all this shit has no particular category so fuck me right. I gotta have an awkward necessary crap drawer. Maybe I should post all my drawers and crowdsource me some sense into my kitchen.
Every household has a junk drawer. Be thankful you don’t have more than one.
This is not a junk drawer! This is a cooking utensil (mostly baking) that has no other good place drawer!
The junk drawer got like, loose screws and scotch tape and batteries and scrap paper and whatnot
The takeout chopsticks on the right must have escaped from the junk drawer/ packet drawer, looking for a better life.
They’re handy for cooking noodles though, but we keep them in a rubber banded bundle.
The junk drawer should contain nothing that touches food. We have a couple of those outside of the kitchen
Also, we have two of these.
We have 3. And they’re packed. But I know what’s in there!
As a household that has thankfully many drawers, we unfortunately have more than one.
Every drawer is a junk drawer when I’m around 😏
This drawer is the solution. To everything…
…except getting something out of the drawer.
You’ve lost this one, and if this was a hill you were prepared to die on I would get ready to lose a lot more.
Yes. Minus the scale, absolutely. It’s the tools that too big for the utensil drawer but too small to take up shelf space in a cabinet.
Every family has this drawer
Throw in birthday candles, rubber bands, and a few coins and you got yourself a proper junk drawer.
It’s the miscellaneous utensil drawer. We have 2. Up top for common ones like can opener, corkscrew… big one on floor for the lesser used ones like rolling pin, flour sifter, hand mixer…
If you are arguing over this, don’t. Not worth it because there’s no better answer unless you have a millionaire mansion with a gazillion drawers
Everyone has this drawer, but this one is too organized. It appears to be 100% kitchen tools. You need to add a deck of playing cards, a bunch of soy sauce packets, a few half-used books of matches, a few take-out menus, and some loose keys in order to do this drawer properly.
Every family has this drawer.
Yes, every household in the developed world has a drawer like this. It’s for things that you hardly need or never need, but might do, one day, probably (not).
Why it bothers me: in a more sane world, this stuff would be shared. Every community would have a junk tool shed - not every household of 4 people, or 2 people, or (increasingly) one person. It’s reminiscent of that drill statistic: the average electric drill is used for 7 minutes in its lifetime. This is madness. Our planet is overflowing with junk. As a species we need to be smarter.
Pfft you call THAT an overstuffed drawer?
I bet you can open it without anything catching the backside of the cabinet, nerd.
Remove the scale, electronics don’t belong in the misc food prep and niche baking implements drawer. Once you do that you’ll easily recognize it as the food prep and niche baking implements drawer. The scale goes on a shelf, or in a cabinet next to the mixer/food proc/salad spinner.
I wish my drawer was that empty.
These misc drawers are the best way to worship anoia, Goddess of Things That Get Stuck in Drawers (also luck).