This man doesn’t even know the difference between AGI and a text generation program, so it doesn’t surprise me he couldn’t tell the difference between that program and real, living human beings.
He also seems to have deleted his LinkedIn account.
Oh no, that’s not him, that’s a different person. I was showing how those are the only two accounts on all of LinkedIn with the same name as him, and showing that his account is no longer there.
This man doesn’t even know the difference between AGI and a text generation program, so it doesn’t surprise me he couldn’t tell the difference between that program and real, living human beings.
He also seems to have deleted his LinkedIn account.
Dude’s clearly a dunce. There was never any chance he was gonna succeed.
His disdain for actual human beings is disgusting. “Time to pack their bags”. Fuck you, buddy!
Edit: I just looked at the second screenshot. Of course he’s a real estate developer.
Oh no, that’s not him, that’s a different person. I was showing how those are the only two accounts on all of LinkedIn with the same name as him, and showing that his account is no longer there.