Title reference:
Joke’s on you, only half the people out there have testicles!
Oh, shit…
By that logic, the average person has plastic in their testicle - singular
One plastic breasticle, and one plastic testicle.
Sharing is caring!
It is a joke. Now when I squeeze my plastic filled balls they make a funny sound like a squeeky dog toy.
Regardless of whoever came up with the idea, recycling does help and you should do it:
It may not save the planet on its own, but it is part of the solution.
This is the only the second 2nd time I’ve heard this in 30 years.
Slow progress.
And don’t forget the free labour you provide by sorting garbage for them.
Ain’t capitalism great?
You recycled my favourite meme!
Im trying to keep track of things coming into the house. If less things come in, then less waste goes out, therefore less plastic thrown out.
Even the basic groceries. Bread wrapped in plastic. (Even the dedicated fancy bakery. Thought they would have papger bags. Still plastic) Cereal in a plastic bag.
Sure you can cut out soft drink and candies for less plastic usage, but you cant feed a family right now without having to use plastics