I understand a recruiter needs my resume to send to a client. I get that. However, I had a recruiter ask me, repeatedly for my resume, but was unwilling to give ANY details about the position. I wanted to highlight specific things and remove fluff, if needed, from my resume so I wanted some details. He wouldn’t give any. I asked again. He said that he’s fix it up for the position. I said no, I can do that and I’m a little frustrated with his unwillingness to give any info at all. Next week, a different recruiter asked for my resume without even pretending to have a position, just that they hire for positions in my field.
For more context, I’ve NEVER gotten anywhere with a external recruiter, only internal ones. I try to be helpful, but nothing ever comes from it.
What is it about getting resumes? Is this some metric they have or something else?
So they can take it, modify it to fit the job description they’re trying to get a commission on, get you in, collect their commission, then disappear.
Their commission is often 25% of your yearly salary.
if there’s no details, there probably isn’t an actual, and specific, job opening. they just want it for their files, or mailing list, or ai, and/or to spam everywhere.
It does feel weird giving so much personal information to a person you just met online
“Please also include your banking details so that we can get direct deposit all set up for you.”
I don’t have a huge amount of respect for recruiters having been involved with them on both sides of the hiring process.
It often feels like they treat it like a numbers game - minimise effort by just throwing enough resumes at a job and hoping one will stick and then earn an easy cut. That will earn them more than seriously trying to match candidates with jobs.
Just another example of a job that produces or provides nothing of value, injecting themselves as unnecessary middle men to make a commission off something that should be a public service. Parasites.
“bUsInEsS iNnOvAtIoN”
In years past, it used to be something they would use their software for and pair up keywords with jobs. Also quite a few get paid by how many candidates they bring to the table.
Nowadays they are probably mining your resume for AI, seeing what businesses you worked for and mining the data to learn what their competitors are up to, and/or actually getting you setup for jobs.
often yes, they need to bring a number of candidates to the company that they are working for to get paid. So having your resume lets them stuff open jobs with “valid” candidates.
Umm, to use your resume to train AI?
This would be the least efficient way to get resumes, maybe ever. Literally posting fake jobs on Indeed or LinkedIn would be several thousand times faster
Also they make up bullshit and put it on the resume giving you a bad name with a bunch of employers. I only give them PDFs if I’m interested
A recruiter friend of mine told me that if I don’t want to ignore them, to give them the pdf version of my LinkedIn profile since that’s already public information.