Glad he’s not involved with BlueSky anymore. Reap what you sow, fuckwad.
Sidenote: what the hell is
X might be the worst platform on the internet.
With reddit eating X’s ass on the highway to insignificance.
X gonna give it to ya (it being a temporary suspension)
That’s good but I’m concerned since I’m currently unable to pick it up on my own. Is this standing offer that I can take advantage of at a later date?
Fuck waitin’ for you t’get it on y’own X gon’ delivery it to ya!
It being an authoritarian regime.
Pic it up wuss. SMH, these cats done forgot what work is.
You may need to perform additional tasks to resume using X
“You know what to do. On your knees before Elon.”
Here is the archived link. If they’re famous, archive it please. Rule 6
Nah, I don’t give a fuck about famous people, and you shouldn’t either.
They’re simply just regular humans who happen to make more money than you, and that’s not enough value for me to pay attention.
Archiving this shit is a waste of drive space.
It’s not because I care about what they say, it’s so that we don’t have misquotes and people fighting over that shit. Also, no one wants to go to x directly to see the link. We’re saving the users of this community and not giving them any traffic.
Valid reasoning.
They don’t make the money, they take the money.
What did he say that got him banned, does anyone know?
Probably didn’t personally thank Trum and Musk today or something.
I bet he claimed to have founded Twitter. Can’t be spreading propaganda on X after all.
The founder?
“The X rules”