I can’t wait to visit Starfleet Medical to get my back and stomach fixed, live in a post scarcity utiopia, see other worlds, and study whatever I want.
EDIT: I think the worst thing will be contemplating the metaphysics of transporters. But maybe I’ll just never take one.
I can’t wait to visit Starfleet Medical to get my back and stomach fixed, live in a post scarcity utiopia, see other worlds, and study whatever I want.
EDIT: I think the worst thing will be contemplating the metaphysics of transporters. But maybe I’ll just never take one.
Oh… Can I change my answer? I wanna be in Star Trek, too.
monkey’s paw finger curls
(It’s the Section 31 movie universe)
If there were no jackass genie or monkey’s paw shenanigans, I’d want to go to the Lower Decks universe specifically.
Lmao I’d be off to requisition a runabout lolol fuck this planet lmao
I’d find some small tropical moon and set up orbital defenses
Anyone care to join me at the Holodeck, I have a vampire & werewolves novel… XD
Really depends on the time period though. There were quite a few unpleasantries even in that universe. Klingon War, Dominion War, Borg,…