Not mine, but I sure as hell wish it was.

    5 months ago

    Same witch that did Beast’s curse is the one who saved Gaston.

    You have a year to prove you’re not a piece of shit or you die.

    She doubles as a quest giver. “Here’s a couple quests. Pick one and do it. Every time you help someone you prove you’re a little less awful, and every time you ask me if you’ve done enough to be saved, you lose a few points of redemption credit, so don’t ask me if you’ve been good enough to not die. Get to cracking on these heroic deeds, chop chop.”

    Make a few of the tasks morally complicated.

    Make all of them take measurable time. Sure, rounding up sheep for the farmer isn’t too dangerous, but it’ll take you a while and it’s not as heroic as fighting that necromancer… which task do you take?