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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2024

  • … But no… First, we shouldn’t over generalize or stereotype. Although I’m sure some private schools are shit, most are better than shit public schools because they make a lot of money and can afford to higher teachers that aren’t inept… Occurrences like this are much less likely to happen in a private school. Nothing even close to that kinda shit happened in my private school. The kids I graduated with went to college and got a job. I also had many public school friends, and many of them didn’t go to college after high school. The ones that did go to college were much less prepared than their private school counterparts.

    I realize this is only my own personal experience, but there it is.

  • Half the things in your list are just wrong falsehoods.

    You, being oblivious to why Trump is a desired presidential candidate, is the symptom of isolation from opposing opinions. Likely from absorbing information only from social media, MM, and fellow democrats. It makes you unable to fathom perspectives not derived from these sources.

    I’ve mostly quit social media, including FB, reddit. Etc. For some reason, I can’t quit lemme, even though it’s a trash heap of ingorant opinions. I believe it may be because this is such a hot bed of socialist, communist, and Marxist rhetoric. It’s fascinating and extremely disturbing and at the same time. On one hand, people here worry about dark agent influences working on the American public, but they don’t understand this is where it’s happening, on social media. This is easy ground for anonymous agents with nefarious intent to sway opinion… anyway, I’m rambling now.

  • The first paragraph was candid self evaluation and my personal speculation. The second paragraph was commentary on politicians and political agenda. I could have written the 2nd paragraph better. The sheep I meant to represent are those who adopt the narratives of these political agendas without realizing that that is what they have done. They have unknowingly joined a political agenda. And it’s absolutely both sides, left and right.

    The topic of climate change has unfortunately become a tool for politicians, whether it be the right or left. This is bad. It is bad because it muddies the water, it muddies the the real scientific facts, what what those facts suggest. I honestly didn’t mean to only suggest that those who subscribe to global warming were sheep. Rather, it’s both sides pushing a narrative for an agenda. To buy into a narrative because “the experts said so” isn’t always a good idea. Personal exploration, research, and observation are very important. Even “scientific consensus” needs to be weighed and judged soberly. Very much, “Scientific consensus” can, and does change over time.

    There was “scientific consensus” in that 80s that because of the polar ice caps melting, newyork would be underwater by now…

  • Yeah, it’s called an opinion. I used to have the opinion that global warming was a serious concern. After learning more and more life experiences, my opinion has changed.

    The only fact I claimed is that politicians have political agendas, and that is a fact. Some politicians promote that the earth is getting warmer, some say that it isn’t, but if it comes from a politician, it comes from an agenda.

    I appreciate that you came with some scientific facts, surely. And you’re right I brought forth no objective argument, it was subjective. Maybe I should have started my comment with “IMO”. I assumed everyone would catch on to that since I was relating my own personal experience with the topic.