Totally. You should assume yours is being tracked if they’re not asking for verification.
Totally. You should assume yours is being tracked if they’re not asking for verification.
I just loaded up a Linux vm with Brave, and tried to sign up in a tor window. It requires a verification email to sign up.
Maybe you’re using a browser or OS that it’s tracking.
Try it now. Load up a tor tab in the Brave browser, and try signing up for an email without providing any info.
No shit, Sherlock.
Nope. Try doing it through a Tor node.
Too bad private email access is essentially dead. Any service not requiring another email or phone number to sign up gets quickly shut down. A casualty in the war on whistleblowers.
Seems like it might be for millions of people who didn’t show up to the polls. Sure feels like the outcome.
Recognize that it is a farcical, illegitimate charade. You know, the only logical conclusion when you’re told you’re not allowed to choose no genocide.
You believe the only options are versions of genocide, because you are in a MAGA death cult.
There’s absolutely no logical reason to believe that. Democrats have escalated war on three fronts with nuclear armed superpowers, and armed a genocide.
What group of people could Democrats kill that would leave you unable to support either party? Clearly, it’s not Arabs.
Turns out there are stupid questions.
Is genocide not too far to compromise on? Or is it less of an issue because it’s a genocide of Arabs?
I’m pretty certain my country banned Kaspersky because they kept outing western backdoors and malware. And I would bet my life that Windows has supported free use government backdoors since at least Windows 10.
It was the right move, but this needs to be expanded. Assume there are state actors from all of the major countries installing backdoors.
The digital war front will be getting hit from all sides. We need extreme paranoia to protect all of the innocent bystanders. Don’t assume even your own country is trustworthy in this.
Wow. You guys got lucky. All the users I supported with them had constant issues.
A blank check is a blank check. Doesn’t matter if it comes from someone who claims they do it reluctantly, or someone who does it enthusiastically.
I’m seriously shocked your surface is still running. I’ve never seen one last more than a year, and they usually required a lot of troubleshooting to keep them going that long.
Then you’re showing your privilege, and clearly haven’t seen the thousands of images and videos of shredded children coming out of Palestine for the past year.
Then you’re supporting diminished privacy.