it’s what it’s
Hi, no one!
'Tis what 'tis
You have selected “Livin’ The Dream”
2 uses remaining for this month.
I’m cultured. I say “C’esta vie.”
One thing I absolutely do not miss whatsoever about Windows is navigating those chm files when you click help.
CHM: " You must be truly desperate to come to me for help, chum"
It is Windows 95.
error: it is what it is. counter set to 0
Anytime someone pulls that phrase on me, I look and them and slowly say, “You’re right. It definitely is, what it is.” Then they have the look of realization on how much of a filler thing that is to say.
A variation is, “It certainly isn’t what it isn’t”.
It’s shorthand for “shits fucked but there’s not much I can do about it from here, so I just continue to exist in spite of everything”
russians use nichevo/nichego
It certainly isn’t what it isn’t!
Most especially, literally, at the end of the day!