Missing step of CAPTCHA asking you to click on motorcycle images, only for you to fail at least twice
This hurts a lot
What’s literally traumatizing are the scumbag sites that wait a little bit before showing you an email popup.
Like, I’ll be reading something and then BLAM! I’m immediately taken out of my focus and have to, for the 1 billionth time (and counting!), refuse to give them an email address.
Fuck everyone who encourages this bullshit. Fuck everyone who actually gives them emails. It’s likely an extremely low percentage of users, but that’s all that it takes to ruin things for the rest of us.
Scumbag sites like that are actively contributing to lowering everyone’s standards and making us get used to a ‘new normal.’
Sharing screencaps from mastodon is acceptable, but only because it combats screencaps from twitter.
“tHiS wEbSiTe Is BeTtEr In ThE aPp!”
Bold of you to assume people know the difference between an app and a website.
The App:
One WebBrowser component.
A straw to slurp all your location and contact data.
Annoying notifications.
My first error was existing
- cloudflare decides it doesnt like your user agent or IP or any of a myriad of other factors and denies you access completely, order has been cancelled
They forgot the last step: delete the promo emails from the company you never signed up for
The worst thing is that you gave them the permission to send emails to you, but you did not even notice it.
If you give some information to any for profit company you can be sure they will use that information and if you decline the permits they are going to keep asking until you eventually miss click.
For example if you fill shopping basked, but abandon it after filling your information they can contact you once as “a friendly reminder” about the cart and they can keep that information legally for few weeks until they must anomize the data. And if you at some point clicked something where you accept the marketing permits they can keep that information “as long as the company thinks it is reasonable to keep and/or revelant information for their operation.”
Source: Im part of the problem. Atleast for now.
I am glad I am using proton. I never give my real email to any website and create an alias for every website. That way, when I ever receive a spam email, I know exactly which company sold my data and I can turn that alias off permanently.
do you use “email+alias@proton” style aliases (afaik how gmail does it) or do you get an entirely new email address?
I use proton pass and it generates an alias with a prefix you give it, which helps to recognize what email it is, so this format: <prefix>.<random-generated-part>@passmail.net
So an example could be google.chasing645@passmail.net
my methods for downloading content for offline perusal that interests me evolve constantly. some of us have been doing for this song and dance for decades, and \
if you want to know how to distribute controversial antifascist content, ask a porn addict
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
thanks for the edit creepy mods
Website wants to know your location
Yeah that shits annoying. If you have something you need my location for, I will give you my zip code and pick from “nearby” on a map myself.
Using webmail can be avoided, but agreed on the rest.
PS: It gets worse when you use a script blocker and have to figure out which scripts are needed per website.
That jumped out to me as well. Even using something like Thunderbird with GMail (even though you really should try moving somewhere that respects your privacy) has such a better feel to it.
Yes, exactly. I’m still in that intermediate position myself. I’m using Thunderbird and K9-Mail as clients for my Hotmail Account (Microsoft).
It’s seems like so much work to move away from the email account I signed up for some 20 years ago, so I’ve still shied away from doing it so far. At least I started using a password manager a few years ago, so by now I have a list of services, that would require updating.
Congrats on taking the first step!
Don’t forget to reject notifications.
And sometimes deny location access.
Realize that you havn’t ordered there in a while and you’ve moved since the last time you ordered, you updated your billing address but it didn’t update the shipping address and the product is now headed toward your old house.
Not gonna lie, this ain’t wrong.
We have driver’s licence as an app in norway. I was on my way into a pub where I was asked by a bouncer to show ID. I forgot my physical wallet with physical ID, so the dance started:
- Unlock phone.
- Find app.
- App requires national login. Enter personal number (Norwegian SSN)
- National login has 2FA via another app. Open that to confirm.
- National login requires password. My password is in a password manager, so I open that.
- Password manager requires password.
- and 2FA.
- Acquire password and scramble back to the app that required password for national log on.
- Complete login so I can show that I am 33 years old, which is over the required age of 18.
In reality, the bouncer just gave up on me at around step 5 and let me in.
There are just things that should be physical things.
IDs and fucking buttons in cars please. Holy fuck please can we not do the IPAD thing in cars. Please God.
And on cooking stuff!
Long click to select stove element
Phew now it’s on full power…
It is an physic thing, OP just forgot it at home.
That sounds like a 60 second thing at most. None of it is worse than having to drive back home for your wallet.
In Norway, it has been a long tradition to do as many drinks as possible at home before heading to the bars, due to steep prices in bars. So I was pretty “beautiful” at that point, which does not help with running passwords and 2FAs
I’m stealing “pretty beautiful” lmao
So driving back home would have been even more difficult as well (or illegal).
Yesterday, I was on the train and the lady checking the tickets at first walked past me without checking mine. After more people had gotten on, she made her route back down the train, when she asked me, if she had checked mine – hmm, she must’ve checked mine – so, she was already about to walk on and out of reflex, I said that she had actually skipped me before.
Felt a bit silly to then get out my ticket and show it to her, since I clearly wouldn’t have told her to ckeck me, if I didn’t have a valid ticket. Kind of same energy as with your bouncer, like you wouldn’t have all this stuff on your phone and spend the time trying to get into it, if it won’t lead to anything.
Either he was being a dick (fairly likely all bounces are) or you have a really good moisturizing regimen because there’s no way that a 33-year-old would look like they’re under 18.
I definitely do not look like an 18-year old. But I was entering with a group consisting of a variety of looks, so it was just a thing to check everyone.