Police said 98 people were arrested on charges of trespassing, obstructing government administration, and resisting arrest.
I didn’t know the government was running out of a hotel now.
Given Trump thinks drawing on Teslas is an act of terrorism, it does it surprise me at all.
ICE is already detaining permanent residents. You’re next.
So we should arm ourselves and not let ourselves be taken? Is that what you’re saying?
There are many ways to fight injustice.
Is one of them just bitching online while waiting for the systems that haven’t being reigning in rampant abuses of power to magically start?
Is that supposed to be an argument against protesting?
i read it as the opposite
This guy gets it.
Then I agree. There’s no safe place to hide from fascists. You have to disrupt and fight them.
if by against protesting you mean in favor of more direct action
Not because I don’t believe you I just am curious how bad it is, do you have some sources I can read?
He had his green card. He protested against Israel. He’s now in jail, somewhere unknown.
The judge said he couldn’t be deported because he’s a resident, but he’s still in jail.
Usa must learn a whole culture of protesting now. Quickly.
Americans HATE learning.
History won’t take excuses.
And crafting skills to build guillotines
Guillotines are for nations with fewer guns than people, son.
Those were made to be a humane execution method.
I just have an axe. Much cheaper, and these perpetrators don’t deserve humanity. Call me.
Those were made to be a humane execution method.
No. That’s just a cover legend.
Look what a guillotine really does: It is widely visible because of it’s size and height. It shows off it’s way of working and it’s sole purpose. It makes the executioner’s job easier, with no dirty hands etc. It turns an execution into an even bigger show than it was before with the large axe, and a more gruesome one than a hanging.
Nah, guillotine is less gruesome than a hanging. Proper guillotine usage, blade falls, head comes offbody is secured, so there isn’t a lot of flailing. The blade itself blocks or stops a lot of the blood from shooting out, you might get a little from the head itself, but it falls into a basket. The victim is facing down, so there is no expressions for the crowd to witness.
Meanwhile, in a proper hanging, where everything as planned, a whole person drops a few feet, snapping the neck, the body spasms twitches around violently, even if the victim is fully bound. The crowd gets to see the expression and life fade from the victim’s face, it’s whole spectacle. Not to mention there are a lot of ways the hanging can go wrong. If the height is to short, or the rope is new, the neck won’t snap, and the victim does a hangman’s dance for 5 or so minutes as they fight to breath, the brain is still connected to the body, so it’s a very directed and desperate struggle instead of a minute or so of errant electrical pulses.
You are thinking about the feelings of the victim. That’s fine, but it’s not the point of a guillotine.
The real purpose is to make the spectacle more gruesome to the spectators. To create fear.
Guillotines were made for political purposes. To eliminate opponents and to tell about it to as many people as possible. When many can watch, then many will know. When some of them can watch closely how the head is separated from the body, and the blood flows, then they will be talking about it. Many times, and for a long time.
I’d say they should have smeared their shit on the walls, but that would have been an improvement.
You love to see it.
It will be more uplifting if they achieve something.
Good news. Just keep it peaceful or it will be counter-productive. There is nothing Trump wants more than violence and disorder.
It doesn’t matter how “well-behaved” protesters are. They will find a way to declare it an unlawful protest.
This. The only reason to keep it peaceful is the optics of others, not because you’ll be branded a law-breaker otherwise. MAGA will excuse unnecessary use of force, but people who might be sitting on the side lines are less likely to ignore it.
Thats probably what Hitlers political opposition said too. Didnt work out too well for them, wont work out for these guys either.
Violence was pretty common in those days. The problem with the German opposition is that they were waiting for a red line. But the nazis incrementally racheted up their actions so they didn’t recognize that red line until it was too late.
The difference being that USA 2025 is not actually a totalitarian dictatorship. It’s the “tipping point” observation about authoritarianism: there’s a point beyond which, yes, you have no choices left but bloody revolution or foreign intervention. Only a handful of countries in the world are currently in that situation. America is nowhere near it.
If you ignore peaceful protest, then the inevitable “violent” protests are your fault.
Unless they’re just going to fill up ICE detention centers with protestors.