This looks like a great way to troll communities. Might do this in the France sub
Hon hon hon fellow baguette connoisseurs!
Defarge: We are so poor! We don’t even have a language! Just a stupid accent!
Peasant: She’s right. She’s right. We all sound like Maurice Chevalier. Honh, honh, honh!
Emily in Paris was my favourite show so it makes sense!
I brew my own alcohol, the stuff I call wine would probably offend the French.
I’m French, ain’t no way a french community doesn’t fall for it, this might be the easiest one to troll.
Ehhh qubecois are even easier to trigger than the french
IDK try pointing out to a French person “I know nothing about France but why should that matter after all it is just France. It’s not an important place like America or The UK” they love it.
Tell a qubecois they’re not real french and it gets hilarious. Took french lessons as an adult and our teacher was from quebec, it got weiiird. At least the flemish have their own thing and don’t give a shit.
I used to sell wine in retail and for the most part only at nationally recognized stores. My favorite thing to do with French people is talk all about the culture that didn’t invent wines but perfected them as I brought them over to the Italian sections
you magnificent bastard.
Québécois here. I have never understood when people tell me I am not French. I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.
Of course we’re not French, we haven’t been for centuries! We share a language and an ancestry.
I think most Québécois would agree with me that your statement is just confusing. You’re just stating something like we’re not aware of it.
When I came to france, there were regular errors about my capital, brands etc from my home country (Sweden), which is okay, especially in the pre Internet times. But there were these arrogant people brushing it off like it doesn’t matter because it’s just some small country or whatever. My line with them was “no problem mate, we all do these kind if errors, like what’s the capital of France, Berlin, Paris, Madrid? Who cares!?”
That worked surprisingly well, I’m just baffled no one had a brain aneurysm. Some were so angry.
I remember from my pub roaming days in paris, stumbling upon a depressed US guy next to the opera. He told me that he had recently been promoted by his firm in bumfuck in some flyover state and that it was his first time out of the US.
And for some reason he thought everyone would be in awe of an actual US guy. Someone who actually had a car and electricity! But instead, nobody gave a fuck. So there he was, drowning his illusions in a pint.
By far my most surreal meeting in a bar.
Terminally online Québecois will fucking light their keyboards on fire with friction alone. Absolutely wild over here.
IRL I love the energy though: government proposed a modest increase to tuition so over 100k people protested for days.
Compared to anglo Canadians who just take whatever they get, I appreciate the Québecois.
Quebecois are too close to the US, you guys know what it’s like. So I give you that it must be a more common thing to happen to you.
But we on the other hand would never even consider origins like an American.
Not only that but a lot of us hate Americans, and most of us have some chauvinism.
Tbh, I would be much more triggered by the fact that you gave your DNA to a private company for fun, than any “oui oui baguette” jokes
Can lean into that too
Now I kinda want to know which country communities would react most positively and negatively to such a post.
UK here so we get multiple choices but I think all of them would laugh at you. Northern Irish you should probably be careful with.
Well trolling UK communities is too easy so it would be like cheating
Omg I love England! I went last year and stayed in Edinburgh for a week! Going back to #GB next year, this time going to Belfast!
Mine would be “I’m from Argentina but I found out I’m 10% British! 🤗 This means the Falklands can be BOTH British and Argentinian amd everybody wins!!! Or should I call them the Falkinas 😆”
Sit back and wait for the firing squad
Oh just go for full points.
This time I’m going to Dublin!
I almost thought about trying to throw in something that would annoy both the unionists and republicans as well
Just mention United Ireland with Charles as a head of state.
deleted by creator
Americans are all saying they’re proud of their country and then say shit like this unironically.
Makes sense though because in America, everyone is American regardless of background, race, etc etc etc so people, in their search for ways to differentiate themselves from others, latch on to their heritage.
in America, everyone is American regardless of background, race, etc
Except if you moved here recently, of course. We can’t have that.
Ironically America has incredible diversity within its borders. The average west coaster, northeasterner, Bible belter, and Midwesterner are completely foreign to each other. Plus a religious obsession with sports is another way we tribalize.
Me after I found out I’m 1% South American
I think that one is Mesoamerican
Oh how careless of me. Here. I think this one is more accurate.
There we go!
If he is mostly German good chance that his Italian roots are from the Italian Alps where they speak German.
American with 7% Irish ancestry on the Shankill Road lecturing the locals on why they should have a united Ireland energy.
Something something shillelagh.
Had to read that twice, first time through it looked like you were saying your ancestry included Roadkill.
That’s true, I’m from Yorkshire.
Chucky our lard
I did one of those mail in DNA test and found out I’m like over 50% data breach
My brother got a DNA test and found we’re mostly descended from Nordic people and not Germanic/Irish as we were told as kids. So naturally, I am now a Vikings fan.
When you learn that Vikings are also Germanic:
There is no escaping it, Gustav
And the Vikings invaded the isles … so, they may still well be Germanic and Irish. Just sorta.
There’s actually weirdly little Viking DNA in the British Isles. Except maybe in Yorkshire where there’s a suspiciously high incidence of natural blondes.
*not counting the Orkneys and Shetlands.
Basing your preferred genetic heritage on how much you like a TV show. Smh.
American Italians have embraced the pop culture caricature of themselves and become it.
Italianshave embraced the pop culture caricature of themselves and become it.HEY, I’m typin’ hea’
Americans when they find out they’re 1/823th of a footballfield finnish: “OMG I AM SO DIVERSE! AND NOW A CERTIFIED MINORITY” Americans when they try to do finnish things: “Yeah no this is fake, its not possible for anyone to survive in 230f”
I’m 25% Finnish (Grandmother)
I enjoy saunas
Is 25% enough to enjoy other Finnish things?
Does your sau a have a carpet
Is this a thing?
Astroturf. Much homey
Eight hundred twenty threeth.
230? Holy fuck, I’m happy to accept bitch-hood for not being able to handle that. How do you breathe?
You throw water on the oven to cool it down enough so you don’t die. You need to try it.
Is the air temperature 230f or the stove?
Why would the stove be so cold?
Idk I’m super confused. The hottest I can handle a sauna being is just below 200, and not for long enough to really enjoy it. 185 is my sweet spot
My family prefers 110c but i prefer around 90c as i want to relax and not tryhard.
How many °C is 230f? (asking for the rest of the troop)
230f is 110°C
its exactly 110c
Americans love to answer the question “where are you from?” with an ingredients list.
My lineage is German, Irish, and Scandanavian, but my stomach is 100% Mexican.
He’s like every other person in New Jersey
It’s lonely not being Italian American in NJ. I was psyched when Korean and Japanese kids started moving into town in the 1980s because suddenly it wasn’t me and 25 kids who all shared a common culture.
There are a lot of Polish Americans there too.
Marrone? Uffa, issat aposta be a Madone?
Thats how they say it in the show i think it was supposed to be some Italian dialect
That was my guess. He just misheard.
Marrone means brown so probably
Yeah, fuck of danes. Didn’t like you anyway 😆
fuck of danes. Didn’t like you anyway
You might be part Swedish then.
Thor remember one time many warriors lit ship full of Danes on fire. Then it sink. Was a good day for Thor!
“President wants to conquer Greenland? Thor approve. Anything to take it back from filthy Danes!”